Part 3

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Later that night, back on Earth, Dylan and Jazz stood on a stage podium as the crowd looks on with honor.

Reporter: Unbelievable! You two have just saved civilization as we know it!

Jazz: It was quite a tough rock to push!

Reporter: I don't know: You seemed to have strength that is beyond what humans are capable of! I must ask; who ARE you people? If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were from out of this world!

Dylan: Uh... uh... Y-yeah, you could say that.

Sara Fantastic: (off-camera) That's our son! (runs to give Dylan a hug)

Jazz: Mom! Dad!

(Father Joe and Sara emerge from the crowd to meet their children again.)

Joseph Fantastic: Son! I'm SO proud of you, man!

Dylan: Yeah?

Reporter: I'm Kelly Yang from CBS 12 news. Are you their parents?

Sara Fantastic: (tearfully) Yes.

Reporter: (turns to Dylan) Well, everyone seems to agree that you are OUR hero. Would you like to tell us who you are? (mic to Dylan)

Dylan: Uh... I'm... Dylan Fantastic. This is my sister Jasmine, and these are my parents. We came from Planet Neutron, outside of Earth's solar system. Ever since that planet was devastated, we started to settle down here, because we had nowhere else to go. I know you people were afraid of us, but we wanted to prove to you that we come in peace. I figured that by saving Earth, you'd be less afraid. I get the impression you don't believe us...

Reporter: Dylan, we don't have to see it to believe it. You saved our lives today, and for that, we are forever grateful. Welcome home, Dylan Fantastic.

(Crowd starts to cheer "Dylan Fantastic!" repeatedly. He smiles and his family stands by his side.)

So, the Fantastic family are hailed our ultimate heroes from outer space and officially become citizens of Earth.

Two months later, The Red Cross welcomed the family into a luxurious mansion in Miami, South Florida. And, that neighborhood was renamed Fantastic Park in their honor. It's a fantastic beginning--that's what it is. And, it couldn't have happened to a more peaceful and resilient alien family.


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