The new girl

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If your reading- yay! That's great! I hope you enjoy the book! Thank you. Anyway....... background information. Melody Aizowa is the child of Mr. Aizowa and Present Mic. Her quirk is called Symphony. She can manipulate objects and people's emotions by singing. She had a leg injury at the beginning of the year so she is just coming into UA...

Melody's POV

Ok. I'm all settled into my dorm room. Now all I need to do is finish unpacking. Father(Mr. Aizowa) had snuck me in here a little while ago. I start singing while I work, unaware of the person listening on the other side of the door...

Blasty 's POV

I'm walking past the empty dorms to go to my dorm when I hear... Singing? Coming from one of them. What the fuck I thought. Nobody should be in there. Am I going insane? No, I'm too good to go insane. I press my ear up against the door. It was a very relaxing tune. I couldn't make out the words "Today I don't... anythin. I just... lay... bed...." That's all I heard. I felt very drowsy all of a sudden, so I continued my dorm room to catch some Z's before asking Caterpillar(Aizowa) what the noise was and going to work out. 

30 min later- Time skip brought to you by yours truly. 

I wake up and go to Mr. Aizowa's office before hitting the gym. I walk up to the heavy oak door and look down. There's a mat that says go away in large black letters. I ignore the mat, and knock on the door. "Come in." He says. I walk in and he asks "What seems to be the problem, Bakugou."  " Well, I was walking to the fucking gym and I heard someone fucking singing in the unoccupied dorms. " I snap back in my usual fashion. He smiled. Have I mentioned how creepy it is when he does that? "Oh,yes I should probably tell you guys, but I wanted you to find our for yourselves. We have a new student. Her name is Melody. Please refrain from telling the rest of your classmates until I have a chance to properly I introduce her." " Sounds fine to me. "  I say before asking out and heading to work out.

Sorry. It's really short. I promise that the chapters will get longer and better! 😉.Till next time! -Cat

The new girl- BHNA fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن