Enter: Mina and class 1-A

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Bakugou POV 

Everybody gasped when she came out of the hallway. They just stood there and stared for a couple of seconds, slack jawed, before Mina started blabbering again. She ran up to the girl but was stopped by the human caterpillar glaring at her. He turned to the new girl, his gaze softening when he looked at her. "Why don't you introduce yourself?" Then he turned and walked away, leaving her alone with us. "Okay, so my name is Melody Aizowa, I'm 16 years old, I'm bisexual and my dad's are Shota Aizowa and Yamada Hizashi. My quirk is called Symphony, it uses my singing voice... Any questions?" She finished, looking away from us. The entire group of extras started talking at the same time. I'm out. I thought, before turning and leaving. 

Melody POV

Okay wow, that's a lot of people. "Why don't you introduce yourself?" My father asked, snapping me out of my daze. Then he turned and walked away, leaving me alone. "Okay" I started, "My name's Melody Aizowa, I'm 16 years old, I'm bisexual and my dad's are Shota Aizowa and Yamada Hizashi. My quirk is called Symphony, it uses my singing voice... Any questions?" I finished.  They all started talking at once, except for a angry looking blonde in the back. "Okay, okay, one at a time." I chuckled. " How about you first. " I said, pointing at a girl with pink skin.     "All right." she said , taking in a deep breath. "Your really pretty, where do you get your hair done? What does bisexual mean? And which dorm are you in? Can we have your number? I think that's all of the questions I have." She said. Wow. I thought, guess I'll answer those now. "Ummm okay, well I don't actually do my hair a lot, it's natural I guess. Bisexual means I have an attraction to both boys and girls, I'm in dorm 14 (just go with it) and yeah you can have my number. I'll give it to you later. Next." I said pointing to another person, with a black lightning bolt in his hair. Oh, boy this is gonna be a long night.

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