Oh, yay. Time to meet people.

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Ok so, quick thing, for Melody, Mr. Aizowa is father and Present Mic is Dad.

Melody POV

I sigh, flopping on the bed in my new dorm room. Father had just snuck me into the dorms, telling me to be really quiet otherwise people in the common rooms would hear us and then he would have to deal with somebody he called Mina and her "social life." So for obvious reasons, I shut up even though I'm very social myself. I start unpacking my stuff while listening to music from my airpods.( A/N why does everybody make such a big deal about Airpods?) I hear one of my favorite songs come on. Chances by Backstreet Boys. I start singing along, unaware of the person pressed against my door. I know that if anybody heard me, they'll immediately feel happy but it's dangerous for somebody to hear my voice while I'm not controlling my quirk. My dad says it's because my voice is filled with a "shot of liquid emotion." I'm not kidding. Those are his exact words. I head toward the door to see my father and ask when the introductions are going to be 

Bakugou POV

"Alright class listen up,I have a announcement." Fucking finally. I thought. Took him long enough. "Yeah, what is it?" Pinky says. Of course she perked up at that. Anytime she hears that, she knows that something interesting is going to happen. Oh she doesn't know the half of it this time. She 's getting a new friend. Whoop-de-fucking-doo. "We have a new student joining us." Everybody was paying attention now. "AWESOME!!!!" Pinky squealed. "What's their name? What's their quirk? Are they male or female?" Damn, so many questions. I thought irritability. Then she came out for the first time...

Sorry, I guess the chapters are just gonna be short, but that just means that there will have to be a lot of chapters. -Cat

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