The Bakusquad is insane- I love them.

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(A/N: Sooooooooo. I got over 50 reads. What. The. Actual. Fuck? I love you guys. Plz comment and vote! -Kat)

Melody POV

After some very 'harsh' interrogating, I flopped down on my bed, exhausted. So many questions! I thought, smiling. At least I know they have the capacity to learn. If people didn't ask any questions, I reasoned, they aren't going to learn. So, my classmates aren't unintelligent per se. They could still be dumbasses though. (My take on this is that dumbass is different from being stupid/unintelligent. Guess which one I am?) As I answered all of their questions, I memorized names and faces. And when your doing that, you just can't help noticing whether someone is attractive or not. There are a few in particular that I want to get to know better. I mean, like, I don't want to have a crush on people without knowing them. They could be racist or sexist or homophobic and anything else in between. Anyways the ones I want to get to know better are, in this order, Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, Mina Ashido, Kyoka Jiro, Izuku Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki and the one angry looking blonde that left before I could get his name. (Help idk who to ship her withhhhhh.) I chose the ones that seem the most approachable for obvious reasons. The others just weren't my type. Sorry guys. And girls. Then out of nowhere, I fell asleep. Out like a light.


Melody POV

 "Gonna need a spark to ignite, my songs know what you did in the da-aa-aark. So light em up..." (If you know what this is, I love ya.)  " Mmmph. " I groaned after, slamming a hand on my alarm. I am NOT a morning person. Still half asleep, I walked over to my closet and pulled out the UA uniform. I stared at it for a moment, pouting. "Why can't I wear my own clothes?" I grumbled. I brushed my hair into a ponytail and washed my face before exiting my dorm. Oh! I could ask Mina if we could walk to school together! I thought. Almost as soon as the possibility occurred to me, I ran into the pinkette. Literally.

Mina POV

 "HAPPY SUNRISE MOTHERFUCKER!" A recording of my voice screeches from my nightstand. I sit up with a smile on my face. I love waking up to that. It makes me laugh so hard. I bounce out of bed and yank my uniform on. I brush my wild head of curls and flounce out of the dorm where I accidentally run into the new girl, Melody. "Whoops! My bad." I giggle. I reach out my hand for her to take, which she gratefully accepted. Pulling herself to her feet, she said "Actually, your just the person I wanted to see Ashido! I was wondering if we could walk to school together?"  "Oh! Of course!" I say. I soooo want to introduce her to Bakugou, cause he stormed off before she could meet him. "You can walk with me and the rest of the Bakusquad!" " Baku...squad? " she asks, tilting her head a little. "Yeah! Me, Kaminari, Sero, Kirishima and Bakugou! Bakugou is a little grumpy though. Actually, a lot grumpy." I say , rephrasing that last part. "That's alright." She chuckled. "You get used to it when you live with my father." "OH THAT'S RIGHT MR. AIZOWA IS YOUR DAD. I forgot. Well then, you should be pretty okay with blasty." I continue chattering until we see the rest of the squad. When we get there, Kaminari is hiding behind Kirishima to protect himself from Bakugou. "GET YO FUCKING DOG" he yelped. Kirishima laughed and said "It don't bite." Me and Melody charged forward and yelled "YES IT DO" in perfect unison.  We looked at eachother and started laughing our guts out. Eventually, the squad calmed down enough so Kirishima could ask, "Hey your Melody, right?" "Yep!" she responded. "Mina told me I could walk to school with you guys. And she said that you *points at bakugou* have somewhat of a temper." She raised one perfectly arched eyebrow and mischeviously added on "You better rein it in before you get your ass kicked." And that decided it for us. "Ooooooh, I like you!" Kaminari said. "WHAT'D YOU SAY EXTRA?!?!" Bakugou screamed, to which she responded "Bakugou, not this early. You'll wake my father and that is not good." Then she started sprinting towards the school and called back "Last one there is a ugly gremlin! Can't use quirks!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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