My Teacher (C)

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Like always we were sitting side by side solving equations covering topics that I would probably never use after a year.

He was really young and good looking, still in first year of his college. My parents knew his parents well and he was graduating from maths while I on the other hand was on the verge of failing.

So my parents arranged these two hours daily sessions for me.

Both my parents were at office. Like always we were in the living room.

He passed me a pencil and our hands touched momentarily, passing some sort of electricity that made me jerk back my hand.

Without looking at him I continued my work in silence. He was sitting closer than usual. Our knees touched, passing that same kind of electricity but I did not shy away from the touch this time.

He touched my knee and I sighed. Taking the sigh as a yes he turned his face towards me and slowly brought his lips down my neck, probably waiting for me to resist which was the right thing to do, when I did not stop him he placed a hand in my hair and the other on my stomach and started kissing my collarbone and not softly I might add, I would probably have to wear highneck for a few days to cover up the hickeys.

I sighed uncontrollably and soon my top came off. I turned and wrapped my legs around his torso sitting on his lap.

That's when I felt him. Felt him getting hard on my butt. I removed his 'I am a rock star' t-shirt and our lips connected.

He kissed me hard while trying to get my pants down. I unbuttoned his jeans and my hands automatically traveled to his dick. His speed increased and in one quick motion my jeans was off.

"Wait wait! Are you on birth control?" he questioned suddenly breaking the kiss for the first time.

"I don't care." I stated and started kissing him again.

I have never had sex before but I could tell he was big. I pushed his boxers down and my panties off sat back on him. Slowly going down letting him tear through my virginity. But he had other plans.


He flipped me on the sofa and went in me with a thrust. He had hit the spot somewhere in there. And started going in and out again and again.

I moaned and moaned louder. It hurt but in a very very good way.

I cloud feel tickling in my throat and thrusts in my stomach.

I didn't notice when but my bra was off. He had me completely pressed up on the sofa and the intensity was increasing with every single thrust. All I could do to hold on to my sanity was hold his back tightly as he did all the work.

Soon he released me, only to bend me on the table. My knees on the ground, my boobs pressed to the cold glass and he went in me from behind.

I heard him moaning loudly and couldn't control the once that left my throat too.

I was too filled up and he was going really fast and hard. It was undeniable pleasure but it was getting painful to. I cried for him to slow down and he came out all together and I stayed where I was panting. I could here his heavy breathing too.

I turned to him and he instantly picked me up making his way towards the door as i wrapped my legs around him once again.

"" he asked between kisses and pants.

"Down the hall third door," I replied and continued kissing him.

He fell on the bed with me below him and without wasting a moment he was in me again.

Pumping in and out he slowed and came in me,"Was this your first time?" he asked.

I nodded my head and pushed his back towards me with my legs, urging him to continue instead he untangled himself and got off the bed.

"We need to continue maths!" he said smirking down at me.

"Are you kidding me right now?" I asked from where I was on my bed.

"Oh yeah!" his eyes were twinkling with amusement. And he left me lying there on my bed.

All my clothes were out so I made my way naked to living room. He wasn't dressed up either.

He was sitting with the book open right where my boobs had been. He was still hard and erect. I sat beside him. He placed both his hands on either side of my waist and picked me up as if I was a doll and not a 110 pounds grown up girl, and placed me on his lap instantly going in me for the fourth time in last hour and wrapped his hands around my waist.

And actually started teaching me.

When I got an equation wrong he thrusted himself up and spanked me.

He left that day leaving me completely flustered and hot and heavy. I took a quick shower and waited for my parents while removing any sign of the activity that just took place.


Next day when he came he had a Levonelle pill with him.

The moment I took the pill he removed my top and all the clothes in seconds and got out of his own as well. Just like yesterday he placed himself in me and started the tuition which I loved now. The spanking and thrusting continued daily after that. I became a routine and I passed my maths exam with flying colours.

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