Chapter Two

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I sat facing forward, careful not to look at him because I knew if I did, I would stare. I concentrated on breathing steadily, so as to give the impression that I was perfectly at ease. In truth I wasn't frightened, I was exhilarated. There was something about acting so out of character, not to mention being so close to him. It didn't make much sense, sure I was attracted to him, but that wasn't what was so alluring about him. I felt like I could feel him on a different level. I didn't bother to think rationally about any of it, I just breathed it in. He didn't speak or acknowledge me, he simply began driving. After a few minutes, it seemed almost that he had sincerely forgotten I was there. I began to feel foolish.

"Where are we going?" I asked with a deceivingly steady voice. I detected a slight smirk but that was all the response I got. At that point, I felt that old reliable disdain for such self consumed behavior.

"Okay then." I turned my attention out the window. "Just let me out."

His deep voice filled my head in what sounded like a rumble, "You can get out once we get there."

I was taken aback at the sound of his voice. He kept a steady gaze on the road as he maneuvered through the city streets. After a second, I remembered myself and my eyebrows arched in defiance.

"You're going to stop me?" I said fingering the door handle as if threatening to open it while he sped along the street.

He almost chuckled. "We both know I won't have to. Be still, we're nearly there."

I bristled at the command but was soothed at the prospect of making it to our destination and learning more about him. While curiosity had clearly gotten the better of me but another part was simultaneously furious that I was putting myself in such a stupid position and that I was subjecting myself to such a patronizing individual. I turned my attention back out the window as if to act disinterested in him, all the while I was soaking in the smell of his car, his smell. A musky but clean scent. I closed my eyes to take it in when I swear I heard him chuckle. We rode in silence for several more minutes before he pulled into a long driveway, at the end of which was an enormous hotel lit in the darkness with a golden haze that perched out of the fog.

Attendants opened our doors and gave us each a stiff greeting. He said nothing but made his way toward the towering double doors without hesitation, leaving me behind in the cold and confusion. I opened my mouth to protest just before I realized his point.

"Fine." I thought to myself. I gripped my elbows tightly against the chill and caught the sound of music playing from inside the hotel. I could feel gentle waves of warmth escape each time the doors were opened.

"Fuck it." I said again, aloud this time. And turned on my heel in the direction of the hotel's entrance.

The interior of the hotel made me feel ridiculous for feeling out of place at the gallery. I had traces of mud covering my boots and parts of my leggings. My skirt was faded under the plain blouse wrapped in thick coat with frayed edges. I was all about comfort. But this place was clearly an extravagance for people who valued presentation. The detail was borderline manic but still managed to convey a homey, yet sterile professional grace. The staff were the kind that could hide their internal dialogue well since not one of them gawked at my clothing or overall demeanor. I managed to collect myself and embraced the lucidity of the situation as I slowly wandered through the lobby absorbing the grandeur of it all. After a few minutes a young male attendant in an impeccable uniform approached me.


I eyed him for a moment trying to predict if he was about to try to politely escort me off of the premises.

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