Chapter Four

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I stood, still without shoes. in the center of his penthouse living room. When he turned to me, I could feel that the invisible barrier that had kept us separated had disappeared. For a brief moment I felt a pang of fear, he was larger than I was and clearly more experienced, not to mention a stranger. Who knew what he was capable of? But I inhaled his cologne once more and I felt something inside of me stir. I knew what I wanted, I needed this. If only to get him out of my system once and for all. Calmly, he walked towards me but this time he did not stop until his face was only a few inches from my own. His sudden nearness startled me and I felt myself step backwards. He matched each of my steps until I felt my back hit a wall.

"You can give up at any point, Kat." He offered, his voice another deep comforting rumble. "But you must explicitly say so. And then there's no going back, it's over and you must leave." I could feel the warmth of his body. I let myself stare at him, admiring how small I felt so close to his broad chest. I nodded, still trying to hide how lightheaded he made me.

"Say it, Kat." His voice filled me and I quickly cleared my throat.


"Good." And he smiled. I felt my body electrify as his hands touched my waist, holding me firmly against the wall. His fingers made their way up my sides as I felt his breath on my neck, raising goosebumps across my body. I closed my eyes to soak everything in while his hands continued upward, raising my hands over my head. I felt so exposed in that position. My arms had felt like some semblance of a barrier but now were high above me. My impulse was to bring them back down but his strong grasp secured them tightly. My eyes opened to his gaze, I opened my mouth to protest but before I could he shook his head, "Hm-mm."

Out of pure objection at this point I tried to give another tug, testing to see how hard I would have to protest for him to surrender but he would not release them. A familiar feeling of defiance began to grow inside of me and I tried to quickly twist my wrist out of his grasp. He laughed and grabbed a wrist with each hand. To exhibit his control, he pulled my arms until they were outstretched as far as they could go above my head, like it was nothing. Then, as if he were creating a snow angel against the wall, he slid them from the top of my head down until they remained fixed at my side. I felt a wave of panic and then resolve.

"It's easier to just do as I say." He was still speaking in his low dangerous tone.

"Easier for who?" I argued, trying for one last tug before admitting I needed a different strategy.

Sensing my stillness, he spoke commandingly, "Spread your legs." But I was eager to defy him and so I stood motionless, knees firmly together, glaring up at him.

He clicked his tongue and with surprising grace managed to pull me from the wall and flipped me over his shoulder, one arm firmly holding my legs in place.

"No! Put me down!" I hated the feeling of hanging precariously. But he ignored me and exited the living room making his way down a hallway. Another door and a sharp turn and I noticed the hardwood turned to carpet. As quickly as the first time, I felt him hurl me over his shoulder and with a solid thud as I was flipped back onto the edge of a bed.

"Last chance." He warned but I responded with the same stubbornness. Reaching up to the top of the bedframe he pulled something down. I heard the gentle clink of metal just before feeling its cold touch against my wrist, and then a solid and definitive 'click'.

"No!" I shouted angrily and to my surprise he stopped.

"Are you giving up?" He asked flatly. I shook my head. "Then you have a choice, Kat." Ashamedly, I still shuddered with pleasure at the sound of my name from his lips. "You can relax and put your arm in the cuff," His eyes darkened threateningly, "Or I will do it for you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2020 ⏰

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