The Falcon and The Dyad

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~This story is inspired by a rumor or, more accurately a scene a lot of fans wanted to happen during TROS, including me. It takes place after Ben has turned to the light and he gets on the Falcon with Rey to find Palpatine. Assuming that Rey had previously wounded Kylo during the battle on Kijimi and didn't know how to force heal him (because we didn't know about the "force healing" until the movie came out (and also let's assume she doesn't know who she is, either) ). They have a very intimate conversation together and realize feelings that they didn't know they had for each other. Enjoy! Hope you like it <3~


*Possible spoilers-ish for TROS*

I reach for the lever and pull it down. The falcon jolts a little, and then expertly jumps into hyperspace. Blue and white lights whoosh past as the falcon zooms forward at lightspeed. I stand up, making the chair swivel a little, turning to Ben who was taking a good long look at the gash through his tunic. "I've set our coordinates for Exegol. We should arrive there soon." I say, looking for a cloth and some water. I felt tremendous guilt for hurting him. He wasn't even attacking me, and yet my anger towards him engulfed me. It was like a voice inside me had taken control of my actions. It scared me. It made me wonder who I truly was. I know my parents were nobodys, which makes me a nobody, but I cannot help but wonder if there was someone else. Someone else that I had a connection with that would connect me so strongly to the force. I grab a brown, soft cloth and a bowl of water that was always so scarce to find on the Falcon, but I knew where Han stashed things. After he died, I did my share of searching for anything I could find to keep that would remind me of him forever. And in doing so, I found out about a lot of secret storage compartments. Ben was still a little wet from being in the rainstorm on Kijimi, and so was I. I hadn't bothered to change even though I felt so uncomfortable in wet clothes. Ben was sitting on a bunk like bed that pulled out from the wall. His eyes watched me, studying my every move. I sat down next to him shyly, holding the cloth and bowl of water. Ben looked at me confused, his eyes searching me up and down.

"What are you doing?" he asks, a bit of excitement in his voice. I take the cloth and dip it in the water, not daring to look him in the eye, or I'd ditch the whole idea of cleaning his wound in a flash. I hated Kylo Ren more than anything, but Ben solo was different. He was what I fought so hard to save. He was who I felt a connection with. My only real friend. The only person that I could talk to and understood how I felt. But at the same time, I was still scared of him. Still afraid to look him in the eye and still see Kylo Ren within him. Kylo Ren is dead, but I couldn't get him out of my head. I swallow a lump in my throat and loudly take a deep breath.

"I'm going to clean your wound, Ben." I say softly. I didn't know how he'd react to this. Whether he'd try to be all manly about it and deny me from helping him or if he'd let me and then I just...clean it? I don't know, I've never done anything like this before.

With him.

Ben doesn't say anything, but I could sense something was happening with him.

"Ben, I- um, I'm going to need you to take your tunic off so I can clean it." I gulp. I'm not sure why but I felt embarrassed for asking him of this. Like who am I to ask him to undress himself for me? But then, he did it with ease. Without a single thought. As if he'd been waiting for this moment for so long. My eyes immediately drift towards his chest, taking it all in. His tunic must have been drenched with water because his chest was glistening with small droplets of water. The last time I'd seen him like this, during one of our force bonds on Ahch-to, I had only felt hatred and pain towards him. I hadn't noticed how incredibly...well-built he was. I noticed how bad of a gash I had given him. It looked as if it was an inch thick. I furrowed my eyebrows in disgust, looking at his wound. Not exactly because of the way it looked but more so because I caused it. I squeeze the water out of my cloth and use my other hand to touch the area around his wound to get a better look. Ben inhaled sharply as I touched him and I noticed his chest move rapidly up and down as if his heart was racing. Was he...nervous? I could feel the heat radiating off him. Our eyes met, and I could see the confusion but hope in his face. What was he thinking? I outstretched my hand towards his side and gently pressed the warm cloth to his wound. Patting it on and off. In my surprise, he didn't even wince. You would think that would hurt, right? For a gash that size? I felt his warm gaze on me, never taking his eyes off my movements. I ignore his invitation to look him in the eye and start talking to calm my nerves.

"I'm sorry, Ben." I sigh, gently patting his warm skin with my cloth.

"For what?" he replies, almost a chuckle in his voice.

"For this." I say, placing my whole hand on his wound this time. "I never meant to - " I start to say, but Ben quickly places his hand on top of mine before I can take it away. I gasp a little, looking up at him confused.

"Ben?" I say, furrowing my eyebrows. He pursues his lips, looking down at our intertwined hands, thinking of what to say.

"I can't do this anymore." He states. He runs his free hand through his jet black wavy hair, making his biceps swell. I gulp. I never realized what an effect he had on me. He reaches for me, placing both his hands on my shoulder, holding them firmly. My heart starts to race and I feel my body become hot.

"Ben, what are you -" I start to say, my eyes becoming wide from the closeness of our bodies. His face was so close to mine. I could almost feel his warm breath on my face.

"Rey, I need to know. Why me? Why save me? After everything, I did to you. To your friends. To my...father." Ben asks sadly, his eyes searching me.

"Because I believed in you when no one else did. I knew you would turn if I came to you even though everyone thought I was crazy." I stated firmly. He loosened his grip on me and sat back against the wall, sighing. His bottom lip moved again, as it always did when he was thinking.

"So, you just wanted to show everyone you were right then?" He said with disappointment in his voice. I instantly stood up and crossed my arms, frustration brewing within me.

"Ben, I cared for you-" I started to say, waving my hand about. This got his attention again. His soft brown eyes looking up at me with a spark of hope. "I only wanted to see you happy and away from...Snoke." I almost hissed out the words with anger. Snoke was the one who had twisted Ben's mind into convincing and manipulating him that the power of the dark side was his destiny. The only future for him. I hated him for it. I hated everything that Kylo Ren was because it shadowed Snoke and his vision. But I could see Ben through that mask. I could see him small but clear. And every time I saw Kylo Ren I felt Ben Solo coming closer and closer to me. Ben stood up, his chest glistening in the reflection of hyperspace. He was so intimidating with his large features and height. I felt so small and fragile when I was with him. But then as well, so safe. He walked closer to me, hovering above me. He furrows his eyebrows as a small smile breaks within his full lips.

"You cared for me?" He asks so hopeful. I nod, smiling a little.

"I still do. And will always care for you, Ben Solo." I say. He breaks out in a wide grin this time, happiness radiating off his face. But then his smile fades as his expression begins to soften and stare more desperately in my eyes. I feel his hand move to my waist, and he grips it firmly. My heart skips a beat at this gesture. Was he gonna...? Ben brushes his index fingers down my cheek, making my heart race. He places his hand behind my neck so delicately and starts to pull me towards him. My body fills with warmth at his touch. I look at his full lips and start to part mine slightly. I felt his warm breath upon my cheek as our lips were inches apart. Suddenly, my legs give in and I fall to the ground. Ben catches my fall before I can hit the ground and brings me into his stark chest. The falcon had jolted its self out of hyperspace, which had made me fall. Meaning that we had arrived. We arrived to Exegol. My heart sinks a little knowing that we had arrived.

"I – I think we're here." I paint, feeling so close against him. My cheeks shamefully blush redder than an apple and I try to cover my face so that Ben wouldn't see but...he did. He laughs a little and takes my hands off my cheeks and places them on his chest.

"I don't think we have to go down there just yet. Do we?" He smirks. I look outside the falcon and see Exegol and how the darkness surrounded it. It reeked in Palpatine, and I didn't want anything to do with it. At least, not yet. I wanted to enjoy this moment while it lasted. I look back up at Ben and give him a smile.

"Nope, I don't think so." 

~A/n: I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year! (Especially because I'm posting this at 12:00) This is a year for growth, happiness, new friends, trying new things, finding love and so much more. Enjoy this new year everyone! I'm excited for what is ahead, are you? I have many new story Ideas planned and cannot wait to get on it. Do you have any new year resolutions? Comment below and also tell me if you enjoyed this story. <3 ~

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