Ben Solo's Return

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~A/n: {Art by: KokoDraws01 on DeviantArt} This short story is inspired by the Fan Art I have been seeing a lot lately of Ben's force ghost coming back to visit Rey which makes me so emo, but oh well. Must stay positive in these times a grieving, right? This story was also a concept I have been thinking about recently and I'm wondering if you guys like it? All my love <3 ~


I clung to my white sheets; my eyes shut tightly as my face crinkled up in sorrow. My bottom lip quivered as I loudly sobbed. The night was dark and dry, leaving an unwelcoming feel to the air. Jakku had never felt more lonely than it did now. At least before, I liked to believe there was nothing better than being a scavenger and hoping my parents would return one day, even though I knew they wouldn't. But now, now that I have experienced it all, becoming a Jedi, saving the rebellion, meeting... Ben, the world felt so much worse now that it was all over. Poe and Finn would come to visit me here and there or alert me to new missions concerning the rebellion, but it really didn't matter much to me anymore. Not without Ben here. I felt like a part of me was gone, and to tell you the truth, I kind of stopped living after he died. There really wasn't much to live for any more to me except Finn, Poe, BB-8, and D-O. They were all I had left now. But it didn't feel like enough to me. And sometimes I didn't even feel like living at all. I feel so selfish to think that, but it's true. D-O had been keeping me company ever since I came back to Jakku to get my mind straight. He was nice to have around since Poe took back BB-8. I thought coming to Jakku would help me in some way to grieve and move on, but all I see is him. I look at the stars and see Ben. I look at my lightsaber, Luke's before me and his father's before him, and think of the way he used it during our last battle together. I look at my bed and imagine what it would have been like if he was here lying beside me, holding me, and softly comforting me like only he could do.

I half-heartedly made myself get out of bed and walk outside to gaze at the stars as I did for many nights when grief wouldn't allow me to sleep. I sat down in the coarse sand against my hut and sighed, wiping the tears off my cheek. I tilted my chin up towards the stars and blinked several times to clear my eyesight.

"Ben, be with me," I whispered, closing my eyes. I reached out to him through the force. If only I could see him one more time as a force ghost, his voice, a vision, ...anything. "Be with me." I repeated, slower this time. I furrowed my eyebrows in concentration, reaching through the force deeper this time. Suddenly, I could feel something. I could see a ray of light swirling through the force. A spark of hope filled me as I continued to watch the force light become bigger and bigger until all I saw was the light.

"My Ben," I spoke so desperately.

"My Rey..." a voice so soft and smooth it almost sounded like honey. I shot my eyes open wide to see Ben Solo standing above me. I sat there shocked for some time, my brain trying to process what had just happened. He gazed down at me, his brown eyes smiling towards me. He wasn't wearing the black garments from before but tan and brown ones similar to what Luke had worn. I frantically stood up, my mind still not believing that he was here in front of me.

"Ben?" I asked in disbelief. A wide grin crept up his face at the sound of his name coming from my lips.

"I'm here." He replied. A light blue hallow surrounded his body, and I could see through him. It was almost too much for me to handle all at once - to see Ben like this as a force ghost. He stretched out his hand towards me, as he did many times before beckoning me to take it. I reached for his hand and touched his, our palms connected together. My heart became heavy with pain as I felt his touch - where his warmth and comfort used to be; it was no more. I felt nothing but cold solidness against my flesh. I shut my eyes tightly, tears rolling down my cheeks. I felt Ben take his hand back swiftly, and he let his arm hang at his side.

"I'm – I'm sorry." He spurted out, sadly. "I'm sorry I can't be there for you.." His eyes fell downward in regret. I could feel his pain through the force, and it only made my sorrow greater.

"Ben, you don't know how long I've waited for you. How lonely I have been-" I sniffled, my throat feeling swollen from crying.

"Rey, Rey, I am sorry," Ben murmured in dismay. "I couldn't get to you. I tried for so long, but I had to learn how and even then, I couldn't reach you until you reached for me." Ben exclaimed.

"I understand that," I nodded sadly. I wanted Ben to hold me so badly, but I knew he couldn't. It was even more torturous seeing him like this than seeing him in my memories.

"Rey, there's something I need to tell you." Ben started to say. I came closer to him, ready to hear what he wanted to tell me.

"Rey, I'm stuck. I'm not what you think I am. This image of me..." Ben says, his face becoming sorrowful. "It's only a reflection."

"All the Jedi are just reflections of themselves when they become force ghosts, Ben." I assure him.

"No, you don't understand. I'm not actually a force ghost." He protests, waving his hand around.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, confused.

"I'm alive, Rey." Ben exclaims, a small smile spreading across his face.

"What? I saw you disappear, Ben. You...died." I stammered, barely able to speak now. Ben's smile fads quickly after seeing how upset I was. He furrowed his eyebrows sadly.

"I don't know why, but I never passed on. I'm stuck in the between worlds, and I know you can get me out of here." He declared. I blinked in disbelief. I had heard of the World between Worlds and how Jedi had used that to see the past as well as speak to the Jedi, who once lived, but I had no idea how to get there or how to get Ben OUT of there.
"Ben, how? How do I do this?" I ask. He places his hand on my shoulder and holds it firmly.

"Search through the force, Rey, and you'll find me. I assure you. And we can be together again." He smiles to me, stroking my cheek with his thumb.

"What if I'm not strong enough? What if I'm not strong enough in the force to reach you." I cry, shutting my eyes

"You will - you will find me. I believe that." He reassures me, his thumb stroking my shoulder now. I open my eyes now, giving him a look as confident as I could, more for my sake than his.

"I will," I nod. "I will find you." I promise, giving him a small smile.

"I know you will." He smiles, kissing my forehead. It felt more like a cold breeze than what I remembered his lips felt like. It wasn't truly him there, only his reflection. And at that, his light faded away, and I was alone again. Alone on Jakku with only D-O to keep me company. But now I had hope. Hope that I could find him. Have my Ben back. And I was determined to bring him home

~A/n: If you enjoyed this story please let me know and I will write a part two! <3 Thank you for all the love and I wish you all a happy New Year & New Decade! I am very excited for what is to come. Are you? :) ~

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