Ben Solo's Return | Part two

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~A/n: Part two of "Ben Solo's Return". I hope you enjoy it! Happy ready my loves ~





I inhaled slowly and then exhaled, practicing my concentration. Breathe, breathe. I thought to myself. I was floating in the center of my hut, legs crossed, making furniture, dishes, plates, and almost everything around my float in a circle. Even though my eyes were closed, I could sense D-O's reluctance to roll around anywhere near me. He was always scared and never liked anything he didn't understand. I smirked to myself and used the force to pick him up along with the other house appliances circling me.

"No – no thank you!" D-O almost shrieked. He made a bunch of other beeps and noises that I couldn't understand, but I thought this would be good for my concentration. If I was going to go deep within the force to find Ben, I needed to be able to handle noises around me.

"Put me down, please." D-O exclaimed. I opened my eyes and gently floated down, landing on my feet. I put everything back where it went and let D-O fall slowly to the ground so he could take a breather. He rolled away faster than a mouse being chased by a cat, which made me chuckle.

"I'm sorry, D-O." I shouted to him.

"No- no thank you." He replied in his mechanic voice. I shook my head and walked outside my hut. I squinted, covering my eyes with my hand as the hot sun burned my face.

"Ah, it's so hot out today D-O." I said, turning my head to look for D-O. I heard tires burning and inhuman noises. I guess that meant he was running away again. Well, I guess I deserved that. But someone has to teach him not to be scared anymore, right?

"D-O, I'm going to the top of the hill to meditate, okay?" I shout over my shoulder.

No reply.

"When I come back, I will have Ben with me." I say, walking back inside my hut now. I searched the grounds for him and saw him underneath my wooden table. He perked his head up at me in wonder. I crouched down and looked at him with a small smile.

"I'm sorry, D-O. I shouldn't have done that." I apologize. He moves his head up and down as if to judge if I was telling the truth, and then he rolls closer to me.

"I accept." He replies and then rolls away into my bedroom.

"That's good to know. Alright, I'm leaving now. I will be back soon-" I say, standing up. "I hope." I sigh and walk out the door shutting it.


*On the top of the sand dune*

Sweat poured down my face as I plopped down on my bottom, exhausted. The heat was terrible, and my legs ached but I was determined. I closed my eyes, slowing down my heart rate with a slow breathing pattern. I cleared my mind, emptying anything that could distract me from my purpose. Reaching deeply through the force, I start to call out Ben's name. At first, all I see is darkness. And then suddenly, a ray of yellow light swirls towards me. I furrow my eyebrows at this, confused. It was the same color as my lightsaber: the one I made from both Kylo and Luke's cyber crystals. The yellow light got bigger and I began to hear voices surrounding me. They got louder as the ray of light got closer to me. When the light engulfed me, surrounding all my vision, I shot my eyes open, gasping. My heart pounded out of my chest in fear. My eyes couldn't see anything at first, but then they adjusted to find that I was not on Jakku anymore, but on a cold, hard, rock-like ground. Darkness surrounded me and so did an eerie fog. I stood up quickly and searched for any signs of Ben. This had to be the World between Worlds.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2020 ⏰

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