Chapter 6

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"Daddy come play with us!"

"Oh my little princesses, souls like a soldier! save me!"

"Here I come!! Bridge & Glore on to the rescue!"

Life has it's flaws and all, also best memories. For example, my dad. Giovanni Jones, the man who married my mother Stephanie May have 2 wonderful human beings Me, Bridgette Jones & my sister Gloria May known as their daughters. We may have a critical past but some moments were good before the chaos started. Dad can be the peace maker to my problems sometimes before he got introduced to selling drugs, being sober & humble was his virtue. He taught me how to play the guitar and come up with my own music, also how to voice my opinions at a young age. That's when you would hear mom say I'm just like dad.. I would draw my own imaginations & he helped me win my first talent show in elementary school, everything was so settled and easy. I found my path to success, and dad was partially the reason - no bullshit.. he kept this family together. But then I turned 12.. and to think happiness was forever, life has failed me. Dad started selling after he lost his job being an Entrepreneur and lost half of his money. I lost all of my friends and got left with two, dad and mom started arguing about bills, and work so much it stressed all of us out. Getting older it would get worse so, mom and him signed divorce papers and unfortunately Gloria and I had no say in it. I stay in contact with dad here and there, he moved to Santa Clarita not too far from us, got himself another wife and step kids.. nowhere similar to me and Gloria. He's sober again and seems happy, it's like he's him old self again.. the happy him. I am a little disappointed because it is a little unfair how he can get himself together for a new family but not this one he created with mom's help. But I guess you don't always get what you want.. right?

Today is Friday and I decided not to go to school today because of how overwhelming everything was yesterday from bumping into a totally weird guy with perfect features but mysterious named "M" to my mom being in the hospital and coincidently bumping into "M" again. I laid in bed lost in thought thinking about how am I dealing with this, usually I couldn't handle so much that I'll relieve my pain with marijuana and pills then basically overdose my way to the hospital.. but something in me wasn't feeling it today. In distraction my laptop binged and of course I'll check it & popped up an email from dad saying he's outside. Honestly I've never felt so much better hearing from him, especially when he's normal again. I didn't notice I was home alone, Gloria left a note in the kitchen:

"Went to visit mom for the day, didn't go to school. I've made some cinnobuns they're in the microwave if you want one.

Peace and love, Glore Galore."

How adorable can she be? Honestly. I was just too focused on seeing dad right now I didn't really have an appetite. When dad sees their kids for the first time in a while they'll be full of excitement and joy, but.. he wasn't- more like worried and terrified. He looked horrible as if he went through a crisis with his wife or something.. but no, I knew what he came for. He came for mom and it's pretty obvious he spoke to Gloria too. he hugged me so tight and briefly apologized to me for mom being like this. He blamed himself, just like how he blamed himself when I overdosed and got sent to rehab. I haven't felt this familiar with him in forever I honestly couldn't bring myself to speak nor cry, and disappointingly dad only dropped of cash for me and Gloria then a "get well soon" card for mom but he wrote something for her inside. He didn't stay for long but all he said was "sorry, princess" and that he should've done better. I watched him get into his car and looked at me once again full if pity, I think that's partially why I sort of didn't want to speak because I knew he felt that way.. and before he drove off he mouthed that he loves us. And to think I was proud of dad, went straight back to disappointment.

To ease my mind I decided to take a walk to the new art shop down the block from where I live to grab some supplies for me to start drawing again. Art is my mind, I draw what I think & when I close my eyes.. you get the point. The store is pretty big, and very organized.. I felt like I belong here. They even had their own little draw freely section where everyone can draw but nobody was there. The store wasn't really full, barely anyone was here.. yay more space for me to observe the store. one part of this store grabbed my attention, there was a aisle where there's hanging cloths of paint but of all of those pieces it was an picture of North Pole's Aurora Borealis. I walked closer and the floor was sparkling, it was really beautiful..

"Looking for something?"

That damn voice.. I turned to realize that, it's that boy again. But he's wearing the uniform to this store with paint over him of course.. and again why do I keep bumping in to this guy?

"Are you sure it's not you who's stalking me? I mean.. Am I that irresistible?"

"Don't flatter yourself.. I'm here to grab some supplies, But I happened to come.. across..."

He started walking towards me again with that look he gives me which apparently I catch goosebumps..

"What can I help you with?"

"I uh.. um, nevermind I'll come another tim-"

"Bridgette.. you don't have to be scared of me."

"I don't even know  you.."

an little huff he lets out and he just stood there face palming.

"I'm Manson.. Jean Manson."

Jean.. it fits him, usually some names are common but his.. it's highly different, it's unique.

"Come.. I wanna show you something."

He held his hand out to me with a warm smile on his face, but I'm so hesitant to even bring myself together to even accept his offer. He didn't move until I give him a response- I mean I do wanna know him.. but can I trust him?

"How do I know you're not setting me up right now?"

"I promise I'm not."

Well eventually I agreed on going with him to wherever we were going.

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