Chapter 3: When I Need To Leave A Note...Or Not

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CHAPTER 3: When I Need To Leave A Note...Or Not

I stood there, rooted to the spot, my mouth hanging open. I was stunned by what I'd just done, and from the freeze frame that was my sister I guessed she was pretty shocked too.

Just as I thought we'd be stuck in that pose forever, a loud scream broke the spell and snapped me back to life.

"You horrid little bitch!! How could you do this?! I hate you! I HATE you!!" She screamed. She turned around to face me causing some pasta to slither down her face like a slug.

She opened her mouth to yell more profanities at me, but I got there first,

"Watch out, I'd shut my mouth if I were you or you might accidentally swallow some pasta and that goes against your no carb diet!" I said sarcastically. It had the desired effect, she shut her mouth quickly.

Instead of yelling, my darling sister decided to throw herself at me. Suddenly I was on the floor getting slapped by a wild eyed girl who was dripping pasta, I know she was intending this to hurt me but I couldn't help laughing!

"Angel please get off I'm about to pee!" I giggled helplessly. She didn't seem to interpret this as laughter and started hitting me more violently, causing it to rain pasta at a much faster rate.

Just as I was about to totally lose my sanity- and my bladder control- our mother stormed in.

"Girls! Stop this at once!" She commanded. I tried to get up but angel still pinned me down, eyes glinting, pasta flying. "OBEY ME WHEN I SPEAK TO YOU!" Mum bellowed in outrage. Angel slowly lessened the force of the slaps until she eventually stopped, and just sat there.

When she got up she left me, her victim, covered in what looked like pints of blood, only difference is blood doesn't usually have bits of pasta in.

"What happened? I leave you alone for one minute and...well THIS!" She said exasperatedly gesturing around. "Miriam how could you let this happen?" She demanded.

The smile dropped slowly from my face (as some sauce dropped slowly from my sister!) she wasn't going to do this was she? Blame me?

"What do you mean how could I let this happen?" I asked.

"What I mean is how dare you behave this way towards your sister? Do you see this is why I ask you to be more like her!" She said.

All the laughter had left now, and the rage had returned. She was comparing me to my perfect sister? I'm not one for telling tales but I know when justice should be served.

"Um excuse me, MUM, are you seriously comparing me to our darling Angel saying you want ME to be more like HER? Are you sure you haven't got it the wrong way round? When you entered the kitchen did you not see your darling Angel on top of me trying to punch the shit out of me? Admittedly I did throw pasta at her but she provoked me!" I argued.

She just looked at me with pity and disappointment. "Don't lie Miriam, The Lord doesn't like liars." She said.

I looked over at Angel who was now smirking slightly at having just got away with a crime of sorts. Although she was dripping with pasta and tomato sauce she STILL managed to look stunning! How? Well I'll serve some well due justice...

"Furthermore," I added, glancing at Angel, "do you know where your darling Angel is going tonight? She says she's going to Sarah's to watch classical English literature, but I think you'll find if you rang Sarah's mother she would think that Sarah was coming here to do the same!" This time when I glanced at Angel she was looking considerably more panicked and was that possibly nausea I saw washing across her face? "Tonight your darling Angel is going to Rick Tanner's house party where she'll drink vodka, smoke cocaine and shag some random guy she's only just met in one of Rick's many guest rooms!" I stated.

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