In The Begining

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A.J Crowley

Anthony Jaymes Crowley, or as he preferred to be called, Crowley, had been arguing with his publisher for two hours solid over the fact that not once in his career had he ever held a single meet-and-greet or a book signing.

"Don't you think your readers aren't the least bit curious about who you are, Crowley? I mean, you've been writing books since the stars were made it seems and no one knows a single thing about you as a person." She had told him. To which he fired back:

"Let them be curious. I think it adds to the intrigue."

"Crowley, you have to put yourself out there. You can't just write a book and not expect your readers to be curious about the one who wrote it."

"I prefer it that way, thanks." He grumbled as he continued to tap away on his laptop. He'd been working on the manuscript for his next book when his publisher, Anathema Device, had, quite literally, come busting down his door.

"Come on. Do at least one book signing. I even have the place picked out for you to do it."

"Fine! If it will get you to stop nagging me about it, I will. But don't expect this to be a regular thing, Anathema. I mean it." The red headed author snapped, finally tearing his very hazel, almost yellow, eyes away from his computer screen to glare at her.

Anathema smirked in victory. She'd won this round. "Great! I'll let Ezra know then." She got her phone out and began texting.

Crowley huffed and returned to his work with one question on his mind.

Who is Ezra?



"I think it was a bit of an overreaction, to be honest," said the serpent. "I mean, first offense and everything. I can't see what's so bad about knowing the difference between good and evil, anyway."

Ezra Fell had been reading the newest book from his favorite author, Anthony Jaymes, called Apple of Temptation . It was the first of his newest series entitled Eden . The bookseller been so engrossed in the book that he almost didn't notice his phone buzzing on the table beside him. He hesitantly set the book aside and reached for his phone, unlocking it to find two texts from his friend, Anathema.

"Hey Ez! Good news! Anthony Jaymes has agreed to do a book signing! Do you mind if we do it at your place?"

Ezra nearly dropped his phone in excitement. Anthony Jaymes. Agreed to do a signing. And wanted to use his shop?

"Of course, dear! I'd be honored!"

The blonde wanted to squeal and jump up and down in sheer glee. He couldn't believe it! Was this actually happening? Oh, dear. He had to clean up. He had to make sure the place was ready!

He fumbled around the shop, tidying as he went. Everything had to be perfect for Mr. Jaymes' arrival. He couldn't believe it. No matter how many times he told himself that it was real. That it was happening. He couldn't believe it.

Ever since he'd read Anthony's first book, " The Fall ", he'd be absolutely fascinated by him. He'd looked everywhere for information on him but couldn't ever seem to find any. The man never did interviews, never held meet-and-greets or anything of the sort. He knew nothing about him except through his character, a demon named Crowley.

And now he was going to get a chance to meet the elusive serpent that he'd been curious about for centuries, or so it felt like. He was positively giddy about the very idea of the whole affair.

Alright, Fell. Don't bugger this up!

He chastised himself as he set to work on organizing his books.

Anthony Jaymes was on his way.

Serpent's EdenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora