Anathema Ships It

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A.J Crowley

When Crowley returned to his flat that evening, he allowed all of the emotions he had bottled up during the signing to come out. Which meant lots of yelling,shaking and just, all in all, a general upset. This went on for a few hours before he finally wore himself out.

This was exactly why he didn't do these things.

Also, he did something else that he regretted doing. Why had he been so stupid as to do it in the first place?

The wine-haired writer groaned at his own idiocy and climbed into his bed, wanting nothing more than to just disappear.

Ezra Fell

Ezra watched Crowley leave in sheer awe. He opened his book almost reverently and almost dropped it when he saw what had been written on the book's front page.

Thanks for reading, Angel.

And right underneath was a phone number. His phone number.

Ezra stood there, gaping like a fish as Anathema walked over to him. She had stuck around to help him clean up and maybe gossip a little

"Ezra? Is everything ok? Anthony didn't write anything weird, did he?"

She walked over and peeked over his shoulder before barking out a laugh.

"Oh, he thinks he's so smooth. You've gotta text him, Ez. This is priceless!"

"What? No! I can't just text him!" He cried. "He's probably very busy! I don't want to be a nuisance..."

That made Anathema laugh even harder. "Trust me, after this, he probably went home and went to bed. He was up all night last night." She shook her head and smiled. "Give me your phone. I'll text him for you."

"Anathema!" The shopkeep whined but it was too late.

Ananthema had grabbed his cell phone and was typing a text to Crowley.

A.J Crowley

Crowley had no sooner fallen asleep when he heard the notification on his phone. He groaned as he put himself into a sitting position. He had a throbbing headache from the anxiety attack that had occurred when he got home earlier.

He unlocked his phone and nearly had another attack when he saw what the notification was.

"Hello, is this Anthony? It's Ezra from the bookshop. I hope I'm not disturbing you"

He stared at the screen in disbelief. Holy shit... He had actually texted him.

"Uh, hi. Yeah, This is Anthony Jaymes. "

God, he was so awkward.

"Took advantage of the number, I see."

He swallowed hard, fighting off another attack. His heart was beating in his throat and he felt like he might vomit.

A reply came a few seconds later.

"Yes, I did. I just wanted to thank you for signing my book. I wasn't bothering you, was I?"

An angel. A literal angel. Crowley thought which gave him an idea.

"Oh, you're an angel. I don't think you could bother me."

He regretted it the minute he sent it. Until...

"Oh! Oh, thank you.I-It's been bothering me. "

Crowley blinked. Wow, that actually worked.

" It would be funny though. If I were the one bothering you instead of the other way around."

Ezra Fell

" It would be funny though. If I were the one bothering you instead of the other way around."

Ezra stared at the text in bewilderment. Anathema had left by now which meant the last few texts had been his own. Though Anathema had asked for details to be shared at a later date. She wouldn't say anything about it to Anthony or so she promised.

"It wouldn't be funny at all!"

Anthony wouldn't be able to see the grin he wore as he typed.

"So, uh, you like my books."

Ezra chuckled at the vast understatement. He didn't just like his books. He loved them.

"A sound observation, Mr.Jaymes. Some may say borderlining on obvious."

He did so love being coy.

"Right... So what got you interested in my work? Er... If you don't mind my asking. Of course."

An interesting question. He wasn't quite sure how to answer it. He'd been a fan for years and couldn't quite remember what had compelled him to start in the first place.

"I don't quite remember.... It feels like 6,000 years since I've started. I remember reading " The Fall " after it came out and felt so bad for Crowley that I simply had to continue. Also I adore Aziraphale. He reminds me of myself."

Wow, he'd never told anyone that before.But it was true. He and Aziraphale were almost identical. And so were Anthony and Crowley or so far as he could tell.

"I thought as much. You remind me of him. 'S why I started calling you 'Angel'."

Ezra was positively beaming now.

"An acceptable nickname I suppose. I'll allow it."

He glanced at the clock. It was nearly midnight!

"Oh dear. Have we really been texting for two hours? It's nearly dawn!"

"Yeah, you're right. Well, I guess I won't keep you up. I should probably sleep myself."

The blonde was about to protest before he yawned.

"A valid point, my dear. I suppose this is goodnight then."

"Guess it is. Night, Angel."

"Goodnight, Crowley."

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