Coffeeshop Soundtrack

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TW: Anxiety attacks, anxiety mentions.


To say that Crowley was nervous would be a vast understatement. His hands shook the entire time he drove and even more so when they actually arrived at the café. It was a miracle that he didn't spill his coffee,

"I-I'm sorry I didn't answer your texts...." He mumbled. "I-I've had a lot on my mind these days."

"You don't need to apologize, dear. I know you've been busy." Ezra said kindly as he sipped his drink.

"It-It's not just that, Angel..." Crowley sighed. "I.... Have severe social anxiety. Have since I was a kid. 'S why I don't do signings or any of that other stuff that normal authors do." He nearly sneered, sipping his own coffee. "When I get overwhelmed... I do things like what you saw at my place. Or I stay in bed for weeks, only getting up to eat and use the loo." he gave a self-deprecating smile.

"That's why you don't publish but once every few years...." The book shop owner realized with wide eyes.

The author nodded slowly. "It takes me months and months sometimes to trust my own writing abilities which is why my books take so long... I'm sorry... I know you enjoy my work but sometimes, sadly, I don't." He sighed, looking down into his coffee almost accusingly.

"Have you...ever talked to anyone about it?" The blonde asked carefully., watching the redhead as if he expected him to get up and leave him stranded at the coffee shop.

That got a sardonic laugh out of Crowley. "Like who? Anathema? She can't do anything to help me..."

"Well, how do you know if you don't talk to someone about it, Crowley? Maybe that's exactly what you need. Just someone to talk to."

Crowley was starting to shake. "Just... Drop it, angel. I-I'll be ok."

"Crowley, dear, you're shaking!" Ezra exclaimed.

"'S cause this conversation is stressing me out, so just drop it!" He snapped, hazel eyes flaring. He sighed and buried his head in his arms. " 'M sorry, angel.... I'm sorry..."

The shorter male circled the table and placed a hand on the taller's back. "I forgive you." he murmured. "Anthony, this isn't your fault. You need to get some help and obviously being alone in your flat isn't helping." He murmured, playing with his hair. "What would you say to going for a walk? Would that help you calm down?"

The ginger nodded, sniffing as he stood up, coffee in hand as he pushed his chair in, taking deep breaths to steady himself as he gripped the back of the chair. Once he was calmed down enough to function, he stood up straight,

"Ready, dear?"

He nodded. "Lead the way, Angel."

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