A Date?

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The walk was pleasant enough and Crowley had calmed down considerably. They stopped by the park and fed the ducks which, Ezra found, made Crowley smile. A real smile, not that sad, sardonic thing that seemed to almost permanently claim his lips.

They talked mindlessly about anything and everything. Anthony had told Ezra about the time when he'd almost gotten kicked out of high school because he posted a rude picture. In return, the book shop owner told him about his secret addiction to terrible rom-coms.

It was an afternoon well spent.

When the sun began to set, signaling twilight was on its way, Crowley had completely forgotten about being nervous around Ezra. He sighed and turned to his friend, trying not to focus on just how angelic he really looked in the dimming light.

"Angel... I wanted to thank you for this afternoon. I-It's been years since I've socialized with anyone...y'know, aside from Anathema." He rubbed the back of his neck and gave him a shy smile.

"No need to thank me, my dear. I'm glad I could help." The blonde smiled sweetly. "I enjoyed it."

A blush crossed the taller man's cheeks."C-Can I drive you home? It's getting a bit chilly a-and I'd feel bad if you got sick."

Ezra chuckled softly. "Of course, dear. I'd like that. Perhaps, we... we could do something like this again?"

"Y-Yeah... I think we could."

"We-We don't have to....I-If you don't want to.I understand that this is new for you. I wouldn't want to overwhelm you, Crowley." He blushed and looked away.

Anthony fought the urge to tilt his head up and cup his cheek. Instead, he kept his hands clutched at his sides."I'm not made of glass, Angel." He smiled softly. "I'd love to. I just need a little time. Maybe this weekend... Unless you're busy..."

Ezra chuckled. "This weekend is perfect, my dear."

The ginger-haired author smiled, one of the first to actually reach his eyes. Which- Ezra noted- were golden in the slowly waning sunlight.

"C'mon, Angel. I'll take you home."

Ezra Fell

Crowley had dropped him off at the bookshop after saying his last farewells of the evening and no sooner had the blonde book seller entered his shop when he was attacked by a squealing Anathema.

"Eeee! How was it? Did you guys have a nice date?"

She was positively beaming, her eyes bright as she practically squeezed the life out of somewhat chubby friend.

"D-Date? My dear girl, I believe you're mistaken. Anthony and I are not dating... I was just helping him get out of his head for a bit."

Ezra blushed and struggled to get out of his friend's deadly grip. The short publisher was definitely stronger than she looked.

"Oh, come on, Ez. You like him, don't you? He definitely likes you too. So why drag it out?"

Exra blushed crimson. "A-Anthony's just my friend, Anathema. I-I'm afraid I don't know what you mean." An ache blossomed in his chest, a longing that he didn't quite understand struck him as he spoke.

What if it was a date?

He froze. Maybe it was a date... But... No, it couldn't have been.

Could it?

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