A hope...

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11.00 AM - it's been a long time since I worked in Melvad. I walk through the city streets and buy a newspaper.  For almost a week I have been looking for a job that isn't too tiring and that pays the necessary.  Melvad...the only memory that brings me back to that place is when Jim had come to talk to me about the relationship between Eleven and Mike.

That day he asked me for help to make an heart to heart speech to the guys.  I gave him some advice and I was happy to do it.

Everything reminds me of him, I just can't forget it. It was really important to me, even now it is.

12.30 AM - I go to school to pick up Will and take him home. As soon as he sees me he hugs me and kisses me on the cheek. Seems happy.

"Hey Will, what happened?"
"No mom, nothing"
"Are you sure? You look so happy "
"My friends will come to see me today"
"Mike, Lucas and Dustin?"
"Of course, who else?"
"Wow, what good news, El will be so happy"

13.15 PM - we open the door and see a very strange thing. Eleven...she is in front of the TV with the eyes covered. Did she have her powers back? What was happening?

I hug her and I reassure her.

"El, is everything all right?" - I whisper. I don't want to scare her
"I have seen him" - she says with tears running down her face
"Who have you seen?" - she didn't answer
"Honey, tell me who you have seen" - continues not to answer

Another love - jopperWhere stories live. Discover now