Without you

565 17 11

I open the front door, a cold breeze runs all over my back. Don't deny that I feel very afraid, if all of this is a lie? If El was wrong? But do you know what? I believe it. I believe Hopper is alive, I believe in a future together, I believe in it because my life without him makes no sense, it gives me that sense of magic and danger at the same time and I love him, I love him very much.

I'm on the car. Suddenly I hear the music coming from the radio, it was Eleven who turned it on. It's a melancholic song, says that in life everyone has another chance, to change, to risk and to love. A few tears drop, the girl next to me takes my hand and I smile like a teenager in love.

Darkness has fallen, the stars are visible, they are beautiful. We are almost arrived at Jim's refuge, I think back to all those times that I went to him to seek shelter and protection, he did everything for me, with him I felt at home...

I park my car in front of my destination. Hawkins has remained the same, brighter for the arrival of Christmas, while Hop's house is dark and sad for the lack of its owner.

“El, you stay in the car"
"Be careful, if something happens, shout, I will run to you" says the girl with a reassuring look that could be seen in the dark.

Actually I didn't bring any torch, surely there is no current. What if it's a trap, if El had seen someone but wasn't Hopper? Don't think Joyce, come in and don't worry.
As I tremble I go up the stairs, the door is open thanks to Eleven's powers, I put my hand on the handle and open it with great difficulty. It's dark, I don't see anything, I take a few steps forward and at a certain point the door closes behind me. I try to scream but someone prevents me by putting a hand on my mouth.

Who's in that house? Can be Hopper or not?”


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2020 ⏰

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