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with another sob, hyunjin reconnected their lips, jisung only calm on his exterior while on the inside he was terrified.

jisung forced himself to lick over them and hyunjin opened up out of fear, their tongues pressing against each other.

(this is supposed to be their first kiss but i think i made them kiss before this on accident? please pretend like that didn't happen lol)

''moan,'' one demanded. ''moan like you're loving it; the tall one.''

hyunjin forced out a moan, soft and mellow because that was just how he was and almost making it sound real.

''louder,'' was instructed, the voice almost growling. ''now.''

it sounded like a cry of pain that time, forcing himself to be loud and his hand gripping on to jisung's like a lifeline because it was the only thing they had.

''again,'' they pressed. ''you don't get to stop moaning.''

so hyunjin kind of verbally sobbed, acting like those were his moans and tears mixing in with their spit when it ran down to their lips.

''the short one,'' one of them interrupted, punching jisung to stop the kiss and make him grip his jaw. ''turn to us.''

jisung hesitantly did, regretting it immediately when one of them kicked him in the crotch to make him double over.

''and tall one,'' he continued, hyunjin turning to him with a face of tears. ''get on your knees.''

hyunjin did as told, shaking and trembling and only feeling fear, not even processing anything that was happening as he tried to breathe.

''now suck him off.'' they said, hyunjin giving them a questioning, pleading look.

''please,'' hyunjin tried to beg. ''please, no more.''

''we know you want to, pretty boy,'' one of them cooed. ''we've seen the video, you'll take anything.''

and then jisung didn't care anymore, he was too sparked by angered adrenaline after those exact words, reaching out to his drawer and quick to grab a pocket knife he kept for wood carvings.

''get the fuck out,'' he spat, releasing the knife part from it's protector and jabbing it out to them. ''i asked you nicely, get the fuck out.''

they raised their hands, trying to turn around and leave before jisung grabbed the one that had been filming by the neck of his sweater.

''your phone,'' jisung demanded, putting up the hand holding the knife. ''give it to me, unlocked.''

scrambling to do so, the boy handed him his phone quick enough, jisung going through his camera roll.

he was quick to delete the pieces of footage that even hinted to them, deleting them from their recently deleted before handing his phone back.

when he tried to walk away he tutted, pressing the knife against a safe spot on his neck (he wouldn't bleed to death and the blade was dull from use) and taking out his own phone when he knew he would stay.

''your name, pretty boy?'' he mocked, opening his camera roll.

''c-choi seungho.'' the boy gasped, squawking when jisung pulled down his pants and underwear in one go.

pointing the camera at his dick, he took a pic, his face completely blank as he let his pants stay there and seungho was quick to raise them himself.

jisung kneed him in the crotch before he could walk away, pocketing the device with a petty smile and taking his face in his hand, squeezing and leaning in close.

''if i ever see you or your dumb little friends in as much as this building ever again,'' he threatened. ''then everybody will know what your tiny thing looks like.''

seungho nodded, eyes wide in fear and jisung scoffing, letting go of his shirt so that he was free. ''go.'' he spat.

the boy scrambled out the door, jisung closing it and locking it for safety before he hurried over to where hyunjin was sobbing on the floor, still on his knees and unmoving.

''hyunjin,'' jisung sighed, sinking down in front of him on his knees. ''it's okay, pup, they deleted the video.''

''not okay,'' hyunjin sobbed, staring dead at the floor. ''it's not okay.''

''yes it is, precious,'' the younger shushed, grabbing his hands softly and letting his thumbs smooth over the knuckles. ''nobody will see.''

''i didn't wanna kiss you like that,'' he cried. ''not when we were forced to.''

''we can do it another time, darling,'' jisung shushed. ''we can act like this never happened.''

hyunjin didn't respond to that, crawling forward until he could hide in jisung's chest, so quiet.

jisung held him, just as quiet as him except for a gentle shushing when hyunjin's sobbing started growing louder.

''everything will be alright,'' the younger promised. ''maybe not today or tomorrow, but some day it will.''


i'm crying i hate myself fuck fuck fuck

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