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jisung was slightly baffled by the action, letting hyunjin wrap his mouth around the digits.

he didn't really do anything with it, suckling around them softly and finally feeling himself calm down now that he could have that.

and he made some wet noises around them, drooling over jisung's fingers without it being his intention to and looking at him with such painfully innocent eyes.

''you wanna suck on my fingers for a little?'' jisung asked, hyunjin just nodding in return. ''alright, puppy.''

jisung used his free hand to play with hair again, only occasionally moving his fingers to let hyunjin bob his head on them if he forgot to suck for a moment.

''pretty baby,'' he praised, changing to let his fingers rest on his tongue, hearing hyunjin breathe heavily around them. ''you okay?''

hyunjin hummed, his eyes sparkling again as he looked up at him and how the fuck could he expect jisung not to be in love.

and the older just kept sucking for as long as jisung let him and trying not to get worked up from it now that he no longer needed it to calm down.

when his hips moved a little and he kept the stern eye contact, jisung mocked a soft gasp.

''dirty little puppy,'' he smiled, hyunjin just giggling and sitting up a bit straighter, he would surely be wagging his tail if he had one. ''you're lucky you're cute.''

they heard the door close, jisung pulling back his fingers to earn a whine and drying them off on his shirt.

hyunjin seemed to panic slightly. ''slipped, master, 'm sorry.''

''it's okay, baby,'' jisung shushed, giving him a soft kiss and taking a hold on his hand. ''if they say anything about it, we can just say you're sleepy, hm?''

before he could even properly agree they were already entering, laughing about something and not really dropping their happiness when they saw hyunjin and jisung.

''did you have fun at practice?'' jisung asked, turning around and ignoring how hyunjin flat-out rested his face on his ass.

jisung's host nodded, giving another small laugh when the other hit him in the back of the head playfully.

''you can go to mike's,'' he offered, putting down the bag of dirty clothes. ''we kind of always take a nap when we get back from practice.''

he nodded, helping hyunjin up so that he protested with more whines and jisung just shushing him.

''we're going to go to the bar tonight,'' mike promised. ''so maybe you want to get some sleep as well, i don't mind.''

jisung gave them another soft smile before guiding hyunjin along with him out of the room.

once they stumbled inside mike's room, hyunjin was refusing to let go of him, pressing up against him and placing kisses on his neck.

''no, pup,'' jisung denied with a soft laugh. ''we can't help you out, i'm sorry.''

hyunjin refused to let go, arms around his shoulders and shyly humping against jisung, puppy-eyed and so fucking needy.

the younger stared at him the best he could, taken aback by how bold the movement was, hyunjin usually quite shy when it came to actually touching him.

''baby,'' he sighed, hyunjin whining when he tried to push him away and only pushing closer, letting him feel exactly how hard he was from all the thoughts that must've been running through his mind. ''maybe tonight, okay? i'll find a special spot just for us, but not now.''

''pup needs it now,'' hyunjin panted, continuing to hump his leg for as long as he could. ''needs it so bad, master, need it need it.''

something in jisung snapped, yanking hyunjin over to the bed and having him over his knees within seconds, the sub yelping in surprise.

he didn't even bother to take his pants off before he let his hand come down on his ass harshly, a growl following behind it. ''i told you to wait, mutt.''

the older whimpered, biting his bottom lip only to squeal as he got hit again.

''i'm sorry!'' he cried out, he had never expected jisung to be the type to give punishments. ''so sorry!''

and he was so sad; he didn't like being a bad boy and now that he finally got some alone time with jisung all he wanted was to be as close as possible.

''red,'' hyunjin struggled, teeth sunk into his lip and shaking on jisung's lap in a bad way. ''please, red, do you understand? stop, red, go away.''

he was moved to just sit on jisung's lap, chests pressed together and arms wrapped around him.


i big sad

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