Chapter 33: Sneaky little ginger prince

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"I can't do this." Carol said frustrated when Harry was helping her up again.

"You can. You just need to practice." he was laughing at her and she simply threw a small snowball at him and it hit his chest.

Harry had convinced Carol to ski. She was excited at first but when she realized it was way harder than people around her was making it to be she started getting frustrated and angry at herself. They were on the beginners part of the skiing complex and Harry was helping her.

"Come on, Carol. Let's just walk first." he was holding her up and she shook her head, she had already fallen three times and she was only trying to walk. "Keep the skis parallel and push yourself forward with the poles." he showed her how to do it and waited for her to try it. She took three steps before starting to lose balance again and he was quick to grab her. "Easy there." She tried again and he was helping her "Stab the poles in the snow but let them a bit behind your foot."

They tried to walk for a couple of hours before she mastered it and then he proceeded to help her to get into ski position and to slide. By the third time she fell, she was laughing nervously at herself.

"Do I really need to do this? I probably have lots of bruises already." she said looking at him.

"Come on, there's a really tiny slope ahead of us. Let's try to do that. You go first because I can avoid crashing on you."

"I'm going to fall..." she pouted.

"Well... how's that different from ever since we came here?" he dodged the ski pole she threw at him laughing.

She did finish the tiny slope and she was quite proud of herself and even asked to come back the next day. She wanted nothing more than a hot bath and a hot chocolate when they were walking to their hotel again.


Carol woke up before Harry the next day. It was colder than the previous ones but she was falling in love with the landscapes of Iceland. It was so beautiful, peaceful and bucolic. She changed clothes and left their room because her journalism senses told her to go ask the receptionist if the hotel was truly fully booked.

"Excuse me" she said when the receptionist looked at her. "Can I have an information, please?"

"What information can I share with you this morning, ma'am?" she asked politely.

"I have a couple of friends that were thinking of joining us on our trip and they wanted to know if the hotel has any vacancies for them to book a room."

"We actually do. We have at least two rooms in each of our hotel's floors for them to choose from." she gave Carol a brochure of the hotel's facilities and the brunette thanked her.

Sneaky little ginger! He booked them the same room on purpose!

She opened the door to find Harry ordering them breakfast. He was fully clothed and ready for another day of skiing in the morning and a tour to see if they were lucky enough to find any whales in the afternoon. She crossed her arms and waited for him to turn around.

"Morning. Where were you?" he asked when he noticed she was back.

"I went wandering around the hotel." she fake smiled and he noticed she probably knew. He got caught. He scolded himself. Of course she'd find out. She was a journalist, for God's sake. And she was clever. He started thinking of ways to get our of trouble.

"Found anything important?" he asked getting close to her.

"I actually did. I'm glad you asked." she said looking at him and putting her hands on her hips.

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