Mail received from Peter Englert [2].

171 9 2

Subject: "A Bitter Sweet Reply."

Date & Time
11/15 15:55


Peter Englert


Oh [Y/N],

It warms my heart you haven't changed since the last I've heard from you. Albeit you seem more bitter than usual? I suppose you have reasons to despise me, but believe me when I say there are no hard feelings on my end. 😄 There will come a time when you'll understand what happened and why I did it. Unfortunately, it won't be over Timefall Porter, so don't hold too high of expectations.

You'll understand how you and I aren't so different. There's so much you can't fathom to imagine. Questioning me could be cathartic for you if you desire. I'm all yours to peruse with open arms. ❤️ I encourage you, as the coming weeks will be an unrelenting experience that you'll endure...alone. I'm forewarning you of what nightmares await and offer a shoulder to lean on when you're desperate for comfort.

With my best intentions, I wish to offer you advice I never received. You're aware of something that starts with D and ends in -OOMS, correct? The sufferers who have a connection to the other side? I'm sure you remember all the dreadful details of the condition. Hard to forget when your boss had them, I imagine. 😉

The dreams, if you could call them that, are the most agonizing aspect of the condition. You watch this measly planet crumble into a fiery blaze, and life ends abruptly. A deceptive figure is walking in red-colored water towards the chaos. All images you can't decipher because they don't want you to. The Last Stranding will come. Whether in a day, a week, a year, or a decade, it will arrive at our doorstep. The sufferers are damned with the visions of it all ending; for some, it's too much to handle. So I ask you this question, [Y/N].

Will you be able to handle the nightmare?


Ack, I realized a huge plot hole in this story that will be rectified in 2 more chapters, so please don't crucify me for it. It's about how Higgy shouldn't be able to use the chiral network, but hey! It's fanfic!

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