Mail received from S77-95 [2].

107 7 0

Subject: "Empty Threats."

Date & Time
11/20 12:41


[Y/N] [L/N]


Oh, Monaghan,

Were you threatening me? Are you sending your men to find me and slit my throat? It almost sounded like you were concocting a plan from the other side. Are you gonna haunt my ass, Mr. Ghostman?

What kind of drugs are you on? First, you propose we are alike when that's the most absurd thing you've ever claimed. Then, you coerce me with the prospect of DOOMS? You've lost it, haven't you?!

Since you're so hellbent on returning to my life, I am doing FINE. I have people who look forward to my company and deliveries. Some people look out for me and actually have my back. I don't need your "word to the wise" about anything, Higgs.

Nothing you say phases me. You're in a whole other reality, far away from me and anyone else you could hurt. I think that helps me sleep at night, knowing you can't lay a finger on me. My dreams are filled with nothing but pure content, for your information. I breathe a sigh of relief, knowing you can't magically appear from thin air anymore.

I don't have DOOMS, and I sure as hell don't have a connection with you. Now stop tainting my inbox with your filthy messages. 


Back to our roots :)

I got a new phone and have a bigger screen now! ( ' ) I hope this will encourage me to publish more, but the pacing is a DRAG. This is only the 4th email, and I'm trying to warm 'em up to each other. Idk about y'all, but I'm feeling thirsty already ;)

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