Mail received from Peter Englert [4].

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Subject: "Homo loquens."

Date & Time
11/20 20:21


Peter Englert


Ah! Finally, you've provided inquiries! You must care some about me. 😄 A magician never reveals his secrets, as you should know. The novelty of these "tricks" dissipates if everyone knows.

I do appreciate the responses you've provided, my dearest [Y/N]. Pray to tell, have you been catching up on your history? You've caught up on your mythos, but how about your realism? The more, the merrier, I say.

If you're looking for recommendations, I humbly suggest Heartman's interviews. That Homo loquens provides some interesting findings about the Beach, among other things. 🐋 There's quite a vast selection of what he's written, some more helpful than others.

Nonetheless, I'll enlighten you about my Beach to curb your curiosity. It's my Hell carved into this universe. It reminds me of my home; dark, cold, and unforgiving. Karma is fickle but always finds a way to keep score. With the powers I was bequeathed, I never envisioned this outcome. It seems I couldn't see everything before, but now I do.

I love a good chase, so don't you worry your pretty little head off about these circumstances. You'll only end up looking like a fool. I suppose it does take one to know one. We'll discuss this matter at a time different from now.

Do say hello to Tillie for me, and drinks are complimentary. 😉




Woaahh, a quick update after that behemoth writing piece and a short Higgs response. I have the following seven chapters planned out, so stick with me! I'm hoping this book will be around 30 parts, but we'll see.

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