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Hello my children!

As a present for the new year, I give you my second one shot book ever made which is based off my fanfiction on my main account DoveriatheGoddess known as The New Earth.

Please go read what is so far of The New Earth on my main account so you guys can have an idea of what this one shot book will be revolving around.

Now, here are the one shot options you can request for your x reader or shipping fantasies XD I do fluff, angst, ships, oc parings etc. I WILL NOT BE DOING SMUT.

Fuher Cleopatra: Big Gay and can be cuddled. Loves committing arson and raising taxes. (Respects da wahmen)

Pharaoh Ramses: Hottie bachelor and loves his two cats. Son of Ra, Egyptian God of the Sun. 

Princess Yaelia: Independent wahman who need no man and loves the sea. Will scream at the sight of seafood before proceeding to faint.

Princess Willowflower Usagi Ming-Song: Soft, quiet, short, and cute girl that loves her green mint tea. Her parents Emperor Carteral and Empress Lolita are currently looking for a sugar daddy to marry their daughter.

Delphi: Cute little tsundere that can kick your ass. Childhood bff of Princess Yaelia and is also independent.

Chieftain Archimedes: Has a precious infant son named Rhea that he will apeshit if anyone tries to hurt him. 10/10 best dad and husband to have. ( Please get him a waifu since his previous wife died and he's been depressed- )

Count Hercules John Mulligan I: A man who's ego is big as Florida. He has no respect towards the wahmen, seeing as sluts, thots, objects, etc. Has some mental issues due to his past and because of that, he tends to degrade into insanity. ( The other leaders are aware of his issues, but are mostly afraid that the Count will end up going on a genocide- ) 

King Marquis Alexandre Mulligan de Lafayette: A giant that is 7'2 and is mute. Communicates by sign language and loves his two huskys Thor and Loki. Can't take angry short women seriously without breaking into wheezing laughter because he thinks they're adorable when mad.

So go ahead and make your oneshot requests here in the comments below. You can request as many as you want since it is highly encouraged for the purpose of my writing motivation. 

I hope you guys enjoy this oneshot book :3

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