Trust- Pharaoh Ramses x Annari

20 1 6

Type: Angst along with some fluff and tea-

Requested by: _WinryRose_

Now onto the chapter, hope you enjoy!

The Princess of Poland arrived in Egypt, disguised as a commoner as she wandered the streets of Cairo. What was the reason to be in a disguise?

The Polish Princess was actually part of the enemy against the Alliance, mainly her father King Liam Glowacki. The King of Poland had lost favor with the Gods after he chose to defy them. If a mortal decided to be entitled, then it was a grave offense to the Gods. As punishment, the Gods stopped giving their blessings and cursed the kingdom. These curses involved failed harvests, disease, natural disasters, and crippling depression.

King Liam decided he didn't need the Gods anyway and continued to rule his kingdom. The people of Poland were miserable however, especially since the King also made and enforced very harsh laws. The Princess however, was against her father's harsh rule and vowed to stop the King once and for all. But for now, she would have to obey her father's command until she could take the throne.

The reason Princess Annari Marie Glowacki was in Egypt was because she was sent by her father on a secret mission. There were rumors that somewhere in the palace of the Pharaoh, was a map that had the location of Lan di journ, the realm of the Goddesses of Light. "Do not return to this kingdom until you get the map. If you come back empty-handed, then I will enjoy sending your friends to the dungeon." King Liam told his daughter before she was escorted by the guards to the ship that would take her to the Mediterranean Sea, before going on a lifeboat down the Nile River to Egypt.

Annari looked around the city of Cairo, in awe of it's beauty. She spotted the glistening palace in the distance, with the large statues of the Egyptian Gods by the entrance of the palace. However, two egyptian guards guarded the entrance of the palace. "I need to get past the guards somehow." Annari thought as she carefully crept up near the entrance and hid behind a pillar.

The guards were talking as Annari hid, and what they were talking about intrigued the Polish Princess as she listened.

"Did you hear what the priest Ibis told Pharaoh Ramses about the forehead queen of Egypt?" The first guard asked his buddy. "No I didn't," The second guard replied, "What did he say?" "So, Ibis told his majesty that the Gods spoke to him in his sleep, and gave him the map of the Goddess Realm, Lan di journ. The Gods also gave him a description of the Queen, and told him Fate itself would bring her to Egypt." The first guard said.

"Where exactly is the new queen of Egypt coming from?" The second guard asked. "Well, Ibis told Pharaoh that the queen is from the enemy region of Poland." The first guard replied. Annari's eyes went wide after the first guard spoke. "A Queen of Egypt that's Polish?" Annari thought to herself, "But how?" "Poland?! Are the Gods out of their minds?!" The second guard cried out. "Even the Pharaoh was so shocked, he nearly threw another guard's spear at the priest!" The first guard said.

"Oh my..." Annari muttered as she listened. "So, what does the Queen look like?" The second guard asked.

"Ibis described her as a beautiful being with hair white as light and eyes green as Eden's eyes. And the best part is that she's no regular girl, she's the Princess of Poland." The first guard replied, causing Annari to nearly gasp aloud, but she quickly covered her mouth. "Wait... That's me!" Annari thought. She shook it off, remembering her mission. Annari needed to create a distraction so she could get inside the palace and find the map. 

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