return....from the DEAD!

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Hey guys!
So I've came back to say a few things.

I am so so so sorry that I never finished this! I was really passionate about this book, and a few others that I had left in drafts, and yet I just drifted away from them, made excuses not to write...
Which, I hope is going to change soon!

It's been a year, so how is everyone? I know on my last note here I had said I was a senior in high school.. and now I'm in college ;) let me know how you guys are doing!

I plan on coming back to work on this book...
🎶 I just need a little help from my friends 🎶
Heres the options
<1> continue where I left off
<2> write all of one characters story first and then do the next one
<3> or restart, using the current chapters (and timelines and other drafted goodies) as reference?

What do you think I should do, honestly?
I want to make my readers happy, if anyone is still here, and I truly want to finish this book!

If you dont feel comfortable commenting on the book but want to help me out, my dm is always open, or contact me on my discord

I appreciate everyone who stuck around, and I promise that together we will make something great!

(Sonadow) It All Started With A Wreck And A RaceWhere stories live. Discover now