- 1 - (Sonic)

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"Hey, Shadow!" I yelled as I ran down the street. He was walking when I called out for him, but started to run once he heard my call. Typical.

I caught up to him quickly enough, the trees and houses around me flashing by so fast that all I could see were blurs.

"What do you want, Faker?" Shadow asked once I was running at the same pace as him and we could carry a conversation. "I am on an important mission for the Doctor."

I opened my mouth to answer, but didn't have a chance to get the words out before he picked up more speed, his skates sparking as he broke the sound barrier. But see, I can't just let him be faster than me! That's not how ole' Sonic rolls. Or rather, spins. I chuckled at my own joke and sped after him, hearing the familiar 'boom!' of the sound barrier as I rip through it. Within seconds, I was once again beside Shadow, and he glared at me.

"Don't think you can loose me that easily, Shadz!" I ran past him easily, not even at full speed yet. He growled and ran faster, and we were once again running side by side.

"Ah, you think so, Faker? You're barely even good enough to be my fake. Also, my name is Shadow. Don't forget it."

Shadow pulled a gleaming, purple Chaos Emerald from his quills, holding it out in front of him as we ran, then smirked.

"Chaos Control, NOW!" He demanded, and a bright flash of white light surrounded him, blinding him from my view. When it cleared, he was gone.

"Well, we will finish this later..." I said to nothingness, and turned around, now running to Tails' workshop. I slowed down some, and suddenly my surroundings were no longer a blur. We had ran all the way to the beach, and I could see the sand under my feet spray behind me with every step. I could also see the churning water of the ocean, and I shuddered at the thought of being submerged in it, unable to keep my head above water, unable to breathe. I quickly sidestepped away from it, fear keeping me from running close even though I was fully aware that I could run fast enough to skim the surface, fast enough that the water would barely even touch my shoes.

And why wouldn't i still be afraid? If i tripped, or lost speed, I would literally die. I wasn't born with a natural ability to swim like most hedgehogs, and i was never taught. Of course, most other hedgehogs dont have super speed, so I guess it's fair. Being the best at EVERYTHING I do would be too much responsibility, anyhow.

Not that saving the world from ole' Egghead isnt a big responsibility! Although, he is pretty predictable... Always trying to take over the world, and alwasy being stopped by good ole' Sonic. Now, i have a serious question. Is it weird that sometimes I refer to myself in the third person? Apparently Knuckles thinks so, but sometimes I think that Knuckles traded his brain for muscle. It's perfectly normal, right?



I arrived at Tails' workshop and checked if he was around.

"Tails! Are you here? Buddy?" I yelled into his workshop, which is pretty large. I didn't hear an answer, so I walked back to where his computer monitor was, passing giant robots that Eggman neglected to collect. Tails loves to compare how Eggman builds things with his own style, sometimes even finding faults in Eggman's design that we can use to our advantage in later battles.

There was a note taped to Tails' desk, addressed to the team.

"Sonic, Amy, Knuckles -

I took the Tornado out for a test ride. It was giving me a few issues, so I made some adjustments and wanted to make sure everything was working A-okay. Be back soon!

- Tails"

The Tornado was having issues? And he thought it was a good idea to fly, in a plane that's been having issues, by himself? No! I grabbed the note to take it to Amy and Knuckles when i noticed writing on the back as well.

(Sonadow) It All Started With A Wreck And A RaceWhere stories live. Discover now