A Broken Heart, Is A Broken Leg

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It feels like you're suffocating right now, doesn't it?

Imagine this: You’ve just broken your leg, it hurts like hekk, you're cussing at your leg “How could you do this?!“

You get driven to the hospital, you get bandaged, etc. When you come home, you totally forget that your leg is still broken and that it needs time to heal. So you jump up and down, but whince as you feel a sting of pain in your leg.

You see. Your heart is like that leg. You have bandaged your heart, but it takes time for it to heal. But it will heal, and, like a broken leg, when it's healed, it's much stronger.

But, you must also remember, that like a broken leg, if you don't train your muscles, your muscles will grow weak over time.

You also need to train your heart, spend time outside with friends, make new ones, better ones. Find old ones. If you don't train your heart to love again, your heart will grow weak, just as your leg.

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