God Is Your Friend

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“God is your friend. God is your father”

A Father raises you, and teaches you. And when the time comes for you to move on, it is up to you if you want to embrace what your Father has taught you, or if you want to find your own path.

A friend keeps you company. A friend is there when no one else is. A friend will always have your back. Friends fight, it's only natural. But as long as you treasure that friendship, you will always find your way back.

God raises us, and teaches us about his view, and his beliefs. And when we’re older, sometimes we leave to find our own path.

As the Father that He is, He doesn't force you to stay with Him. No, that would make Him evil, and He’s not. But, He is overcome with joy if you decide to stay, and if you leave, He will welcome you back with open arms.

But, for those of us who leave our Father for good, He will realize that perhaps it was not the right path for us, as a Father would.

For all the Christians out there, and for those, like me, who left.

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