my ELO literacy task

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    "Mothering: (Adjective) Relatimg to or characteristic of a mother, especially in being caring, protective, and kind."- that's the definition of mothering and it happens to be the universal theme of in today's texts. In the text "Thank you M'am" and "Mother to Son" the author Langston Hughes develops the theme of mothering through the conflict, the characters, and the word choice. In the frist text "thank you m'am" The message is that "You should kill people with kindness." In the second text "Mother to Son" the message is that "Your mother will always be there for you."

The characters in Langston Hughes story's are really one of a kind, and in theres two stories the characters seem to have lots of motherly instincts. An example is in "Thank you m'am" Mrs.Jones let's Rogor wash his face. ""Then, Roger you go to that sink and wash your face."" She tells him to wash his face so he will look presentable like your mother would tell you to wash your face so you look like a person. Similarly, in "Mother to son." A "Mother" character is lecturing her son on how he shouldn't give up- "Don't you fall now For I'se still going, honey, I'se still climbin', And life for me ain't been no crystal stair." - she dose this much like how your mother would lecture you on how hard her life was. So both characters show prime examples of mothering.

The conflicts in each texts also have the same theme of mothering. For instance in "Thank you M'am." One of the theme's is that Mrs.Jones wants to set Rogers's morals straight. She gives him advice. "“Now, here, take this ten dollars and buy yourself some blue suede shoes. And next time, do not make the mistake of latching onto my pocketbook nor nobody else’s—because shoes come by devilish like that will burn your feet. I got to get my rest now. But I wish you would behave yourself, son, from here on in."” Mrs.Jones gives him advice and by doing this kills him with kindness, fixing part of his bad morals and setting him straight as if she was fixing her child. And, similarly, in "Mother to Son" the conflict is that the "Mother" is trying to tell her "Son" that he cant give up. "So, boy, dont you turn back Don't you set down on the steps Cause you find its kinder hard." Shes telling him not to give up, as a mother would do to her child. So even in the conflict the theme is mothering.

In both texts the them is covayed in the word choice a lot. To prove my point we'll use a part of text from "Thank you M'am". In "Thank you M'am" Mrs.Jones makes Rogor something to eat. She tells him to ""Eat more son"" in the way a mother would tell her son to eat more so he can grow up properly. She treats him with her Motherly instinct. And the same can be said for "Mother to son." In one of the lines the "Mother" figure says "Well let me tell you son" as the opening line, witch means it's a mother talking to her son. So both texts have the theme of Mothering covayed in there word choice.

So to summarize, The text "Thank you M'am" and "Mother to son" the author, Langston Hughes developed the theme of mothering, through the word choice, conflict and characters. In the frist text of "thank you M'am" the message is to "Kill people with Kindness". In the second text "Mother to son" the message is "Your mother will always be there for you.". So over all they both have the same theme and its portrayed through the Characters the conflict, and the word choice. Now think about who your motherly figure is? Are they related to you? Are they not? How have they helped you, and crafted you into the person you are today?

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