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(More school shit peps)

     There was nothing he could do.... nothing but watch.

No one's ever went to vist the dragon. Not from our kingdom anyway. My breath hitched as the men left the view of my telescope. What would happen.

I leaned away, this was way too stressful. I ran a hand through my hair and picked up another book, surely, if they weren't back in an hour or two, something bad has happened.

I read and read and read, but nothing would take my mind off this men. And soon I moved back to the scope, just in time to see the men leaving the cave, riding down the hill once more. I felt confusion fill me. Was the "Dragon" a dragon? Was it all lies?

My father always told me if I wanted something done, sometimes it's better to do it yourself. So I got myself set up.

Around two days later, me and a few of my royal guards were following me up the mountain. He had a good but of gold with us just in case, as suggested by my administrator. At frist he had tried to stop me before realizing it was futile, and gave ideas.

We got to the top of the mountain, going into the cave to find.... a home of sorts.

It wasnt like what you would expect, there wasnt a huge beast on top of piles of gold, no there seemed to be a nest of sorts in the back, along with a huge pile of dirt that seemed to have something buried under it. There was what seemed to be a place to eat if the mat of wood and seemingly grass was anything to go by.

"Who are you?" Was damaned. Me and my men looked up just in time to watch the dragon jump in front of us.

He was red, scales shining in the light that came from the whole in the celling. He had horns and seemed angry, he was huge, bigger than me and all my men.

"I am the king of Norland, and I have come too..." I thought about it, why had I come? To talk? To argue? I didn't know.

"Explain yourself before I roast all of you." The dragon throated.

"I have come to talk. Figured it would he nice to become acquaintances with such a mighty beast!" I manged to spit out. There was no venom in my voice but it was rushed. The dragon seemed unconvinced.

"We bought riches." One of my men said, holding out the bag of gold, the dragon eyed us, then the most amazing thing happened.

In around a minute, the might beast shap shifted into a human, he was taller and wider than all or us, he had red hair and the horns were still there, he had in a cloak. He took the gold, and looked in the bag.

"Thank you." He said. "I will consider us allies. If you need help you can come to me and my family. But you must help us in return and we expect food from you all when we go to your town." He told us. I immediately nodded.

"Yes sir." I agreed. He smiled at us.

"Now get going, another storm is coming."

Never in my life had I had an experience like that. But it was a good one, I liked it. And it was comforting to know that even great beasts like that could be kinda and friendly. I smiled to myself, even while eating the vegetable soup.

"Sier are you feeling right?" My administrator asked me. I nodded.

"Never better Sam." I smiled

Book Of Things That Should Never Get Published, Friends Plz Dont ReadWhere stories live. Discover now