After School

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The final bell had rung and you left out of class relieved that the day was over. You walked to your locker and did the combination, once you got it open you put your books in it. After putting everything in you closed the locker to see Austin, the popular kid at school. He usually doesn't talk to anyone, but his crew Alex, Robert, and Zach.

"Hey" he said.

"Umm Hi" you said confused.

"Your name is (Y/N), right?" he asked smiling.

"Yeah it is....why?" you asked.

"I've just been meaning to talk to you" he said.

"About what?" you asked.

"Nothing in particular, I just wanted to talk to you" he said sounding a bit nervous.

"Okay, well I actually have to's the end of the day" you said smirking.

"I know, can I walk you?" he asked.

"Sure, if you want to" you said slowly walking down the hall.

"So I've actually been meaning to ask you something..." he said

"Just like you've been wanting to talk to me about nothing in particular?" you said smiling as he laughed at your comment.

"Well played, but no really I have a question" he asked.

"Alright, what is it?" you asked still giggling from your last comment.

"I was wondering I-If you m-maybe wanted to go out sometime?" he asked running a hand through his hair.

"Why me?" you asked curiously.

"I've liked you for a really long time, I just never had the guts to say it to you...until now and that's only because Alex made me" he said.

"Aww that's sweet Austin, but you wanna know something?" you said.

"So you do know my name, and sure?" he said smiling over at you.

"Yes I know your name, and I like you too" you said blushing lightly.

"And if you liked me for a while, how come you had to ask me if my name was (Y/N) or not?" you asked narrowing your eyes making him giggle.

"Making conversation" he said.

"Okay Austin" you said nudging him lightly.

"So is that a yes?" he asked.

"Yes, yes it is" you said turning to exit the building.

"Good then" he said stopping and kissing your cheek.

"Austin" you said blushing even harder.

"I know" he said smiling.

He walked you home and surprisingly he didn't live that far from you, but that one conversation led to an amazing relationship.

Austin Mahone Imagines ♡ Where stories live. Discover now