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"Whaaa-?" Steven asked, his eyes still blurry from his sudden fall, and when his sight came back, the creature was gone. This sort of made the boy uncomfortable, thinking that the creature was still in the room.

Before Steven to could any more, the large doors creaked open, revealing two different tiger eyes. "We are to escort you to the higher authority." One spoke, standing straight as a wooden totem. While the other stood straight, yet Steven could tell she wasn't as dedicated to her job as the other.

"Where am I going now?" The boy asked, speed walking as he tried to keep up with the faster gems. "You are going to the treatment room." The talker gem spoke, while the other was silent. "Why am I going there? I'm not sick!" Steven squeaked, making the slacking one snicker. The taller tiger eye stopped, and leaned down to the boy's level, "have you checked your back?" She growled, growing aggravated at the boy's questions, then rose back up to start walking again.

*Jeeze- these gems here are far more edgy than the ones back on homeworld.* Steven thought as he began to childishly jump from one of the large tiles, to the others. This only made the smaller gem smile, and the taller one mumble in annoyance.

*30 minutes later*

Finally the three made it to another large door, this time it had chiseled details of what seemed to be medical supplies, some of which the boy did not recognize. "We're here. Now once we open these doors, there will be another gem to escort you to your room. No playing around, do you understand?" The talker gem said sternly, her gaze hardened as she mentioned him to understand. The boy nodded quickly, suddenly scared of the large gem.

Before Steven has anything else to say, a loud creak was made while the two doors had opened, revealing many gems scattering around, some falling in the process. The boy gazed at the unfamiliar gems, and his thoughts had made him whisper, "what are these gems?"
The ears of the taller gem had caught the boy's question, and sighed in disappointment as she answered, "OBVIOUSLY these are onyx, but these particular onyx's are blue onyx. They're the medical helpers. Mainly they repair cracks in gemstones, or force a gems physical form to repair quickly if one has poofed. The other Onyx is black onyx's. They are the researchers and navigators for higher authorities, I'd be surprised if you see one of them."

Steven was trying to process every word of what the taller soldier said, and was amazed the different ways they do. He then shook back in reality as the two soldiers had guided him through the riot of hurried gems, feared faces were shown after him and the two had passed through.

After for what seemed like hours of walking, Steven had finally saw the gem that he was to go with. It was a smaller blue onyx, her arms wrapped carefully around her digital pad, and her legs were straight, Steven could tell she was shaking from anxiety as he neared her. "H-hello! I-I'm your onyx! I was told you needed to be cleaned, so here I am! Haha..." the gem squeaked, scratching the back of her neck in embarrassment. "From here, he is your responsibility, so what ever happens, it will be hold upon you." The fall tiger eye had stated, then turned, nodding her head to her assistance to notify that there done.

"Ok-Ay Stev-ven, lets g-go to your operation room, I'm sure your wounds will need to be treated carefully." Onyx had said, her stutter had worn off as the large soldiers took there leave. "Okay, Onyx? Hmm let's think of a better name for you....how about...." Steven said, thinking as a orb had hit the side of the onyx's face. "EEP!" She said, Rubbing her face.

"Orb!" Steven yelped, making the small gem flinch. "O-orb?" She questioned, "yeah! It's perfect!" Steven had star eyes, which made Orb smile.
"Come on, let's get you better." Orb laughed, escorting the boy to his room.

🌟I'm so sorry! I had such a bad writers block, I almost had decided to cancel this, yet I know that'll hurt you guys! I just hope you can accept my apology.🌟

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