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Steven was now left again in another empty echoing room. His back stung from the treatments he was given.
Somehow the gems knew how to care for wounds, well, better than the ones back on the homeworld he knew.
Orb had told him that he was to see black diamond today, for she was interested in his presence. The boy questioned her curiosity for him, but then decided to leave those questions out of the future conversation.
Now since the boy was alone, he had time to rethink what happened.
"Okay Steven, think." The boy said to himself, clenching his forehead as he oh so tried to remember, but all he could remember was the sudden pain stabbing in his back, and face soaked from tears. He didn't know why he was crying, or let alone hurt, but when he remembered more, his body didn't feel like him, the feeling made him feel way bigger and stronger, but, his mind also felt lost. Like when remembering the past, the mind of what happened back then was just so simple and confusing. The boy remembered scraps of what he thought during that moment, and all they were was-

"Protect her"
"Don't let them get them hurt."
"K I L L"

The boy was scared and confused, who was her? Who was 'they'? What was he referring to when he said kill?! All these thoughts and memories, had gave the poor boy a headache.
"ARG! Why can't I remember things correctly?! It's so- FRUSTRATING!"
When the boy yelled, the room had shook, and items that were left there had either fell, or shattered instantly.

Seconds after, two tiger eye soldiers rushed in, there weapons out and eyes alarmed.
"What happened here?!" One soldier said in a stern but fearful voice. The other nodded as for he also wanted to know an answer to that question.

"Uhhh- I don't know, I just accidentally rose my voice..." the boy replied, shaking for he was frighten as well.
"Hm." A soldier replied, obviously not believing the frightened boy. "Well... let's move you into a more confined area, I don't want to take any chances of western peak to be destroyed by a little tantrum." As said, the two soldiers started to walk toward the boy, and Steven didn't want to be confined again, he didn't want to be a prisoner, all he wanted was to see his friends!


Steven totally forgot about them, infact, now he had another voice nagging him.
"Are they okay?!"
"There not mad are they?"
"Please let them be fine!"

This voice kept on going, and going.
And going.
And g o I n g

The boy was tired of freaking out, and when one of the soldiers grabbed his arm, he screeched and yanked away, yelling "GET AWAY!"
The floor shook again, and almost knocked the soldiers off balanced.
"Woah WOAH! Calm down! We're just going to take you to another room okay?!"
The soldier sounded frightened, and more cautious now from the boys unstable powers.

Steven was shaking from fear and anger at this point.
Steven roared, the walls were cracking and the ceiling was crumbling, the soldiers were petrified and soon began to back away.

Steven huffed, his skin began to turn purple, and his height sufficiently increased. The hands he had were now vicious claws, and the adorable innocent face was now a monster who thirst for gem dust.

The monster took one step, stomping down and resulting in chunks of ceiling collapsing.
The monster growled, slamming his hand into the ground right in front of the two frozen soldiers.

There was no response, just teeth chattering in pure fear.
This angered the corrupted boy, and within a second, the monster grabbed one of the soldiers and looked her straight in the eyes,

" W E L L ?"
The monster said, his teeth clenched.
"I- ...I-I-"
The gem stuttered, her mind going way to quick for her mouth to process.

During this, the other soldier ran, and called for help in the western peak.

Stevens voice rang in the hollow room, his hold of the gem tightened and eventually the soldier couldn't take it, and poofed. After a second of the poof, a faint sound of an echoing scream filled the room, within minutes, floods of soldiers ran in, horrified from such a little boy could turn into a killing monster.

The soldiers stood there, armed with there weapons if needed. The monster stood there, snarling, as it showed it's gigantic teeth.
"Take me home, or your friend will be g o n e."
The boy held the gem, firm so if anymore pressure was applied, it would be shattered.

The group hesitated, but then suddenly attacked, throwing electric nets across the monster.
The nets stung the previous wounds and reopened them, causing the monster to let out a blood curtailing screech.
Steven swooped down and snapped at the soldiers, who were now firing at the creature. Each bullet stung the monster, angering it more and more each time.
Suddenly the monster snapped, it's eyes glowing and pupils formed into diamonds, and let out a roar that set down the building which held the hollow room.
Everyone was falling, and screams of pain, following with booms and cracks from collision.

The monster fell,
And falling,
As if there was no end, but then a crunch happened, and sent chills up the monsters back, and soon heat replaced the chills.
The monster screamed as his leg had smashed into pieces. He couldn't get up, and more pieces of metal and other heavy materials fell on top of the monster.
More screeching was heard and poof sounds were beginning to fill the area.

A ringing noise filled the boys ears as he looked around light headed. His leg was numb, and he couldn't feel in that section anymore.
The monster looked up, and the building finally let loose the rest of it, huge pieces were aiming to crush the boys skull.

His thoughts left reality.

"Just let it finish me."
"I don't want to be here"
"I just want to go-"

Huge hands then snatched the chunks of metal from hitting the monsters head.
These hands were huge, and had shiny tips at each end of the finger.
The booming voice cleared the monster fully back into reality.

"What happened here.?"

🌟tehe, I kinda did a ting today.......🌟

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