hold me just because

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"Yeah, I'm still lost."

Nobunaga couldn't understand how the hell it was physically possible for you to be standing in front of them.

Next to Chrollo, (Y/n)'s killer body was propped on a crate. Elbows supporting her upper half while her pelvis was positioned forward.

The (e/c) eyed woman was trying to explain how she died and why she was able to come back.

"It looks like Feitan and Kortopi kept my secret." She smiled, eyeing the two.

"(Y/n), what are you talking about?" Phinks sighed, trying to understand the situation.

"I faked my death." (Y/n) deadpanned.

"Really? Why would you do that?" Shizuku asked, blinking soullessly like the odd woman she was.

"I was cursed. Someone put a Nen trigger on me," she explained, brushing her (h/c) hair away from her face gracefully.

"It was someone that I hurt a long time ago. He cursed me so that, the longer I was near the troupe the more my body began to deteriorate. If I stayed even just another month with you all, I would have died."

That explains one half. When they saw her for the first time, she looked different. It was because (Y/n) wasn't dying. For the first time in what seemed like forever, she was healthy.

A week before (Y/n)'s death, the troupe thought she'd caught the flu or something. She looked awful, her skin was slowly fading to the color of gray, her eyes and hair became dull and lifeless. She would scar from the simplest bruises or cuts, fainting at nothing. They all knew something was off.

"If I told anyone, the trigger would've set off immediately and I would've died." (Y/n) gave a smile that somehow fit with what she was saying.

"How'd Feitan and Kortopi know?" Machi questioned, raising a fine brow.

"They didn't."

The troupe looked confused.

"I could feel myself dying. I could barely walk so, I managed to convince you guys to let me come on that mission with you all to fake my death. It wouldn't look suspicious since I was already weak and sick." (Y/n) explained, wowing some of the Phantom Troupe with her striking intelligence.

"Kortopi, made a fake corpse for me. With Feitan's speed, it was was relatively easy to swap out the bodies. You all were hasty enough to bury me within 24 hours, leaving Kortopi's Nen ability to remain." The gorgeous (H/c) woman smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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