Going Back to the Isle

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Thorn POV

"whoa! Mal what  happened?!" I asked her as me and Justice got back to Evie's place "Audrey placed a spell on me and has the spectre" she said as Evie continued for her "and we're going to the Isle to go get Hades' ember" I turned to look at my brother and said "go inside" "but I want to come to" He  demanded/whined "no stay inside" and he walked in and I turned to look at the others "let's go"


Carlos, Evie, Jay and Mal rode up onto an edge of the cliff on their motorbikes with Me on Carlos' and Celia on Mal's "noble stead wild and fair , you shall take us anywhere" Mal said as they all rode across/ on top of the water towards the Isle.

As we got to the Isle and parked the motorbike's, Mal turned back to normal "hey I'm me again!" she said as she was taking off her helmet. "Duh, evil magic doesn't work here kinda the point" Celia said as it was obvious and with that she knocked on a door that opened up she went inside with us following behind her.

Once we got inside everyone got split up, Carlos went to a TV and put a coin in and started playing "alerts of a sleeping spell keep coming in as it spreads throughout Auradon" "Guys? Come look at this" he said as Jay, the girls and I walked over to him. "There are rumours that Sleeping Beauty's daughter Audrey, is behind the spell we;re trying to discover who is responsible for these viscous lies and which villain has perpetrated this evil. We have an update it's what? It's moving this way? It's moving this way" that was the last thing the reporter said before he fell asleep.

We all looked at each other with worried looks, then I remember.... UH NO THE BIKES! So I ran out to the bikes with the rest following behind me "wow Rookie Mistake" Carlos said as we saw Harry and his gang on our bikes "hey there Wolfy, no long time see" Harry said as he saw me "Harry, get off our bikes!" Jay yelled but Harry gave him a smirk and rode off.

"Over the roofs?" "cut 'em off" "what are we waiting for?"


Harry and his gang we're nowhere to be seen, so we all met up at the bridge as Mal and Celia  approached us, "Did you get it" Evie asked Mal "yep" Mal responded as the ember up in the air and caught it. The barrier started closing, Evie noticed the change in Mal's hair "whoa you got a little Hades thing going on" she said "it's starting to suit you M" I said to her. "We made it bro" I heard Gil say, wait what?!

"We made it! hey guys, we're just coming for a wee visit!" Harry laughed and then Carlos stepped in front of me hiding me from Harry, "come on hey- HEY!" Jay said as Harry went to Mal and made her drop the ember into the water.


Then Uma rose up from the water "drop something?" she asked "it can't get wet, give it back before it goes out" Mal said as she held out her hand. "Uma?" Harry and Gil asked "that's my name" Uma smirked and went back underwater "what-no!" Mal yelled. "Hi boys" Uma said on the other side of the bridge, Harry and Gilr ran up and hugged her "Uma, you swam off and forgot all about us" Gil said.

"Yeah, she was probably planning her revenge" Mal mumbled, Uma turned to her "not everything is about you Mal besides I was looking for a hole in the barrier" she looked to Harry and Gil "you know what I found boys? It's way better out there than we thought. There's this furry rock that's called a coconut and fish so big you can dance on their backs!" then she glared at us "and they've been keeping it all for themselves."

"Whatever, Uma I need to break that spell" Mal said as she held out her hand again "cast by Audrey, Sleeping Beauty's daughter" Carlos added I felt Harry looked at me which indicated Carlos to put an arm around my waist and hid me. "So the good guy, is the bad guy" Uma asked and laughed "well I might give it back, we'll see what happens" Mal went up to her and said something to her that I couldn't hear.

Then Carlos grabbed my hand and walked away with the others. 

Descendants 3: Bad Wolf's daughter (Carlos De Vil x reader x Peter pan)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें