Night Falls

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Thorn POV

We ran into the courtyard, hoping to find anyone who was awake while calling out Peter's name. "They're asleep I can't get Ben" Mal said while looking around "or Dizzy or Doug" Evie also said, "Peter and Justice isn't picking up either" I also told them.

"Did someone say my name?" a all too familiar voice asked, I turned around to see Peter behind me  "thank god your alright" I said to him as I hugged him. "Delicious" Dude said from beneath me "Dude really?" Carlos asked him "what? It wasn't me! I swear... Okay it was me" the dog spoke.

"Dude, did you see what happened here?" Carlos asked him "yep Audrey showed up and she put everyone to stone and she turned some of them into----" Dude was cut off by Evie "Guys! Hannah turned to stone". "Alright, everybody stay on their toes" Mal advised "since we're here, we might  as well check the school" Uma suggested with Harry, Celia and Gil making their way to the school.

"No, the most important thing to do right now is to find Ben and make sure he's alright. And plus, I don't think she'd be there anyway" Mal said as they stopped "knowing Audrey and her situation, she mostly likely went for Ben first. So we should probably head to the castle before we check anywhere else" Mal continued as she headed to the castle with me, Carlos, Peter, Evie and Jay in toll.

"Says who?" Mal turned around to Uma "Uh, says me" Mal replied "oh, says you? And that's suppose to mean something to me?" Uma walked closer to Mal "guys-" Evie sighed. I grabbed her shoulder and pull her towards the rest of us, after Mal and Uma's disagreement we headed to the castle.


"Ben?" "Ben!" we called out his name.

"This way" Dude said as we followed him "Ben could be asleep anywhere" Mal sighed "or turned to sto-" Celia tired to say but Evie quickly covered her mouth "hold up what's this?" Uma asked/said.

Uh oh

"Any chance this was already here" Carlos asked in a nervous tone "okayy.." Dude whistled in a low tone "follow me" he lead us into a room with a bunch of knight statues. "So you can track, cuddle and talk? Hey, do you think his puppies would be able to talk?" Gil asked Carlos as he petted Dude.

"Alright, man he's taken" Carlos told him and I walked over to Evie when we noticed Mal and Uma getting a little catty with each other "guys, why don't we not do this? Evie pleaded "we're celebrating our differences" Uma said to her. The armour in front of us moved but we didn't notice it except for Harry.

"I believe we're being challenged" he said "let's split up and look for Audrey" Uma said to Mal not taking any notice of Harry "Girls! We have a situation here" Harry said while gesturing to the armour "Do you like a prince, Mal? How about a knight in shining armour, or knights?" the armour said with Audrey's voice and then she let out a evil laugh while the rest of the statues began to move.

"Watch your back, watch your back, watch your back, watch your back. We can counter their attack, hit 'em 'till the armour cracks" we all sang while backing away from the armour. "This could get a little sticky, how to win this battle could be tricky" Uma sang while gesturing to Harry and Gil to get the swords "but I know the best way, fall back, let me lead you hold the line and we'll bring them to their knees" She sang to Mal but she ignored her.

"Swords in the air if you're with me!" Mal sang "Yeah!" "they got us outnumbered 1 to 50" she sang "victory is ours 'cause I got a strategy, you take the left" Mal dismissed Uma with her hand and told Carlos, Jay, Peter, me and Evie "and the rest if you can follow me"

"Uh-uh" Uma grabbed her by the arm "this is my crew" Mal warned her "this is my squad" Uma argued getting closer to Mal "this is my turf" Mal shot back at her. "Oh my gosh" me and Evie sighed getting up on the platform and pushed the two away from each other "look guys guys we've got bigger fish to fry. Put your differences aside, 'cause right now we're on the same side until the night falls, everyone" Evie and I sang together.

"We'll stay together 'til the battle is done. Watch your back, watch your back, watch your back, watch your back. We can counter their attack. Hit 'em 'til the armour cracks." "Until the night falls, we're aligned" I sang "it doesn't mean that we're on the same side. Watch your back, watch your back, watch your back, watch your back. Hit 'em hard and hit' em fast. They're too heavy to react."

"This situation's getting kinda heavy. Hold your weapons tight, keep 'em steady!" Mal advised "'cause of we stick together, we can make it out alive" I sang "I'll cause a distraction, you attack them from the side" Mal told Uma and she nodded. "All my soldiers stand at the ready! We can cut 'em up like confetti. We'll hit 'em from the front, you counter from behind. Don't forget the fate of Auardon's on the line" Uma reminded.

"This is all out war, they got us outnumbered! The way the swords clash is the sound of the thunder" the boys sang "and we are not going going under, we will never run for cover!" Mal put her sword up. "We battle for the victory and ride for each other!". Until the night falls, everyone" Evie sang from on top of the platform "we'll stay together 'til the battle is done. Back to back, back to back. Back to back, back to back. We can counter their attack, hit 'em 'til the armour cracks!" Everyone sang together.

"Until the night falls, we're aligned" I sang "it doesn't mean that we're on the same side. Back to back, back to back. Back to back. Hit 'em hard and hit 'em fast, they're too heavy to react" we all sang together again. Mal stepped up onto the platform her eyes started to glow green as she said a spell "suit of armour strong and true, make this metal bust a move!" she danced and the armour followed in pursuit then Uma and then Carlos.  

Evie and I walked up to the back with the rest of the girls and danced then the boys went to the sides and did the same thing "until the night fall, you can trust" Evie sang "I'm gonna help you win this battle because I got your back, got your back, got your back, got your back. All for one and that's a fact, knights fall pitch black."

The armour fell and we cheered, Carlos picked me up and spun me around "yes!" "yeah!" "we did that!" Uma nudged me and I laughed while still in Carlos' arms "that's what I'm talk-" Uma started but stopped as she realised she was about to high five Mal "no.." Evie sighed. Me, Mal, Jay, Carlos and Peter stood on one side then Uma, Gil and Harry stood on the other "guys, come on this was so great, we were a team! We worked together come one" she said as she looked at Mal and Uma during 'come on'. "Uh-uh" Uma said. 


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