Kiros backstory pt3

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             At breakfast, I met a girl named Kia. She had black hair in short ponytails and dark brown eyes. She looked around six years old.

" Who are you, new guy? My name is Kia, I won't be here for long my mom just had to put me here for a little while and we couldn't find a foster home," she asked politely

"My name is Kiroshi Nisima," I said, excited for making a new friend

"So, Nisima-san why are you here?"

"Why am I here? I- I can't remember why"

"Oh?" she cocks her head slightly "or do you not want to tell me because you don't like me?"

"no I'm serious, I don't know why"

"LIAR! you don't like me do you!?" she shouted, " Well, to be honest, I don't like you either !"

"eh? what's your problem?" I said confused and angry

"GO AWAY!" She sceamed and started to cry.

I left her there, she was being mean to me. But, the bigger problem here is that I can't remember why. As I sat on the beanbag chair I tried to remember as much as possible: my name is Kiroshi Nisima, I'm 7 years old, I like to cook and play with my cat, playing hide and seek with my sist- "THAT'S IT! " I shouted "M-my family was killed" How could I forget something so valuable as my own family's death? Why the heck did I do that? I broke out in tears sobbing and remembering all of the images of my family's corpses in my closet. how? how can I forget the worst moment of my life? I've been living in a fantasy that my family was still alive and well, and that I was only here for a short amount of time like Kia is. By the time I finished crying and asking myself why over again it was time for dinner, the three other boys were probably wondering what was wrong with me. I turned around and saw that the room was still empty as when I went in there. I wiped my eyes and left the room in search of my acquaintances.

I found them sitting in the living room watching Sailor Moon (except for Yukio-kun) with the girl I met earlier, Kia. I decided to say hi

"Hello, may I join you?"

Kia glared at me " go away meanie!" she commanded.Mission failed to make friends, i guess as i left to go eat the food I heard Ru and Haru scolding kia for her behavior. I saw Yukio-kun eating by himself. I walked up to him....

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