Kiro's backstory pt4

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I saw Yukio-san eating his dinner alone, I walked up to him and asked if he wanted company.

"Hm? I didn't hear you,''

"I said: do you need company?"

"You... actually want to talk to me?"

"yes..?"I semi-questioned (lol)

"I'd like that..."

"Okay!"I sat down in the chair next to him and started eating my gyoza and vegetable noodles

"so why did you want to sit with me?" He questioned, "Are you here to make fun of me too?"

"What do you mean 'too',"

"Everyone else does, why not you too?"

"Why would I do that??!" I asked

"because of im.. 'bad',"

"don't worry I'll be your friend."

"Thanks," he smiled and I could see tears in his eyes, he must be lonely and misunderstood.

"So, what's your favorite thing to do?" I asked

"I like to draw manga"

"Oh, that's kool like a story or just manga-style?"

"I'm working on a book right now actually,"

"can I see it?"

                "NO!" he shouted suddenly"...I meant no, sorry I dislike people looking at my stuff, sorry... I should go now..." He said shyly, put his plate in the dishwasher, and left. I quickly finished my food and ran after him. I checked our room. Not there. I kinda felt deja vu from that, I didn't find out until later why that was. When I looked outside, I saw him sitting on the curb of the road talking to someone, at first I thought he was on the phone but then realized he wasn't holding a cell and also he's 8 why would he have one? But then, in horror, I realized he was talking to someone i never saw before. A stranger? Maybe he knew them and I relaxed my nerves a bit, I looked again to see that Yukio was kinda uncomfortable talking to him, and I could tell he wasn't sure who it was either.

                   It was then that the man asked him something ( i was too far away to hear it) the man motioned to a van in guessing is the man's. Yukio got up and tried to leave but the man grabbed his wrist and yanked him, Yukio screamed and struggled to get away from him. N-no I can't lose another person I care about. I ran out and yelled at the man.

"LET GO OF HIM!" I screamed

         The man looked startled, but only for a second "and what are you going to do little boy?" he said and smiled at me a scary way. It was then that Yukio yanked his wrist away, ran to me grabbed me, we ran to the door, the man was running after us and shouting "come back,"

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