kiros back story pt 5

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 we were running away from him as fast as possible, I could hear his footsteps going faster and faster. I looked back for a second and tripped over a tree root.

"AHHH!" we screamed in unison and hit the ground.

     I got up to continue running but my leg hurt so badly I fell back down. the man caught up to us quickly and snatched Yukio's and my hand, as we struggled to get away, he dragged us to the car. how was he so strong that he could do that?! Yukio tried to yank away again but failed the guy told us to calm down. it was just then that Yukio screams extremely loud, I joined and soon enough a caretaker ran out and saw us. Mada-sensei ran into the large building again. she ran back out AGAIN with a cell phone dialed 911 and as soon as she pressed the 'call' button he dropped us and ran off.

"that...was close." Yukio said panting

"who was that?" I asked

"my dad, ..he's been trying to get me back ever since I got away."

"oh," I said. I didn't know what I was supposed to say after that "'s umm..." I trailed off awkwardly.

"Sorry I didn't mean to make it weird...." he said quietly

"n-no you didn't make it awkward! it was me I'm just really surprised. why would he do that?" I asked

"its-" he was cut off by the police sirens and Mada-sensei talking to them about what happened she rushed us inside and told us everything would be okay and that the police will take the evil man to justice. when we got inside I realized Yukio was crying. he looked over and realized I was staring at him. he wiped his eyes and said.

" Sorry, I really shouldn't get you caught up in my business. thanks for saving me." and he speed-walked away to his room.

                   A few minutes later I went to check on him and wanted to go comfort him but last time he ran away and almost got kidnapped, so I just went to bed early. I woke up and Yukio was asleep I looked at the alarm clock to see what time it was. 1:00. I wanted to go back to bed but I wasn't tired so I got up and walked through the hallways for a few minutes. I heard someone talking in the kitchen. Why are they up this late? then again I don't have much room to talk haha. I walked to the kitchen to see who it was Mada-sensei on the phone with someone.

"yes he came around 19:45 "I heard her say

I couldn't hear the other person but, I was sure she was talking about Yukio's dad

"yea he got away the police were too late..."

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