Chapter Twenty-Eight: An Old Man's Plea

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"This is stupid."

Eliza rolled her eyes as she guided the blindfolded Tori up the stairs of the Eckelson Estate, following a limping Moose and fidgeting Daisy, Joe trailing close behind.

"You agreed to wear it."

"That doesn't mean I don't think it's stupid," Tori said, folding her arms and scowling at nothing. Joe glanced over with an expression that seemed to shout this isn't going to go well.

Eliza ignored him, glaring up at the roof and wondering where Aquila was. Had he already opened the window and crawled into the dusty attic? Would he have to deal with Mr. Eckelson? Or his brothers? Were Otto and Tero worried about them, maybe quizzing their brother on what happened? What were they going to say about Tori?

Eliza bit her lip.

"Look, you already took my phone." Tori said. "There's not much else I can do."

"That's for us to decide."

"Jeeze, have you always been this creepy?"

"Not. Helping."

Eliza could imagine Tori's blue eyes narrowing under the strip of Joe's shirt. But thankfully, despite her sneering skepticism, Tori didn't fight or struggle, letting Eliza lead her up the stairs like a newly trained puppy.

They just had to get her to the basement. Even Tori, who grew up in Scottstown, wouldn't recognize where she was down there.

But what will happen when she sees the rest of them?

With a thundering of footsteps and a creak of old metal, the door burst open. Aquila stood there, panting, feathers standing on end.

"Man, what's it like to be so slow?" Moose groaned, holding his injured arm against his chest to protect the stained bandage.

Aquila ignored him, glancing over his shoulder.

"Coast is clear. Come on."

Joe took charge of Tori, steering the girl into the massive entrance hall, dominated by the curling hardwood stairs and gently clinking chandelier. Eliza paused, lingering with Aquila as the others ducked pass. It was surreal to be beside him, guarding the house instead of trying to break into it.

How things had changed.

Together they watched Moose lead the others toward the back of the mansion and the creaky elevator, practically skipping despite his wound.

"He never slows down, does he?" Eliza said, shaking her head.

"What are you talking about? This is slow for him."

Eliza chuckled, but it trailed off as Tori stumbled over the kitchen threshold.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" she muttered, leaning in close and swallowing the urge to tangle her fingers into his enormous hand and squeeze it for comfort. "Tori's not exactly a nice person. I'm not sure she's the best one to trust."

Aquila shrugged, eyebrows pulled together as he stared miserably after his brothers.

"She's seen me already. That's enough to get us all in trouble if she goes to the right people. Maybe we can make friends with her the way we did with you, convince her to stay silent."

Eliza winced, hating that Aquila was comparing her to Tori. But she didn't say anything. Aquila was bent over, his spine curved as if it held up the whole weight of the Eckelson mansion. Worry crashed over his features like waves, a distinct pulse for each new thought. Moose's wound. Daisy's shame. The secrecy of their mission. The army breathing down their necks.

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