Chapter Thirty: The Real Question

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The base looked quiet. As a coppery sun dipped below the tree line and a gentle wind made the autumn leaves around them shiver, Eliza watched as a jeep bearing Amile Robillard and her posse pulled out onto the main road and headed toward Scottstown.

"T-t-there she g-goes," Tero said, head cocked as Moose's fingers flew over the tablet they'd brought with them. "R-right on s-schedule."

"Says here that the lab will be under lockdown." Moose looked up, goggles glinting. "Lockdown doesn't sound good."

"I-I can g-get us in, j-just g-get me to the d-door."

But still none of them moved. Eliza twisted her fingers into the chain-link fence, thinking of Joe. Wondering what he would say if here were here.

The thought was enough to make her feel like she'd eaten something rotten.

"What are we waiting for?" Tori said, folding her arms.

"Well fucking said," Otto piped in, grinning at Tori. The two of them were separated only by the bare minimum distance to keep Tori from touching Otto's venomous skin, glistening in the few places his hoodie and gloves didn't cover. Eliza had spent the last few hours at the mansion making whispered bets with Aquila. Apparently, Mr. Eckelson had anti-venom stocked up in the mansion in case of emergencies.

How long until Tori needed to use it?

"Alright, let's go," Aquila said, pushing off the tree he'd been leaning on. He held his arms out to her, but Eliza shook her head.

"Let's do this in one trip. I'll go in the old-fashioned way," she said with a wink, leaping up and grabbing the top of the fence.

Not to be outdone, Tori followed with a lofty sniff.

Eliza swung her leg around the spiny crest of the perimeter fence, pausing to watch Aquila swoop over them. He was so graceful. Even weighed down by Otto's bulk and Moose's twitching limbs, he rode the air with effortless elegance, wings curved as if flying were nothing. Something easy, natural even. Tero swept past with Daisy, smaller and lighter and silent without the rustle of feathers. But just as glorious.

"Where the hell did you find these guys?" Tori panted, clutching the top of the fence.

Eliza dropped herself to the other side, rolling her eyes.

"No, really, I mean I know like attracts like. But even you're not this weird."

Eliza glared at the sky, watching the sunset streak the low-hanging clouds crimson. Tori, oblivious to Eliza's frustration, continued.

"I always thought that getting paired with you would lead to some strange shit, but this is beyond —"

"Why do you have to do that?" Eliza hissed, rounding on Tori as her roommate dropped to the ground next to her. "You make everyone hate you and then seem surprised when no one's there to help. Where are your friends, huh? Where are Hector and the twins and all those kids from the woods? They're not here, are they?" Eliza leaned in, ignoring the surprised flicker of unease in Tori's eyes. "They're back at Meru and safe and have no idea that your brother is somewhere in there. Because you didn't want to tell them."

"Back off," Tori snarled, but Eliza didn't. She stepped closer, nose to nose, pulsing with that irresistible impulse to drag everything into the open.

"I'm here, Tori," Eliza spat. "Helping. Despite all the shit you said about me, I decided to do this stupid thing because it's the right thing to do. But if you're just going to bitch about it, maybe I'll go back and take my friends with me and leave you here to deal with it by yourself."

Eliza spun away, but Tori's voice stopped her.

"I'm sorry."

Eliza froze, hardly daring to believe.

"I..." Tori took a deep breath. "I'm not sure how to do all this. Asking for help?" She snorted. "Not exactly my thing."

"No kidding," Eliza muttered.

"I know what I'm like." She took a deep breath, the air hissing through her teeth. "I'm not that dense. But... well, I guess I could stop. Maybe."

The last word tilted up like a question. Eliza clenched her fists, spinning back. She was braced to see the joke, the sneer, the twist of words.

But all she found was a lost-looking girl who was scared for her brother.

Eliza released the breath she'd been holding.

"You could start by being nice."

Tori let out a half-laugh.

"How do I do that?"

"For one, stop making fun of them." Eliza jerked her head to where Aquila was setting down, nestled in the darkness beside the nearest barrack. "Maybe show a little gratitude."

Tori's lips twitched and Eliza wondered which Vagabond she was thinking about.

"Okay then." Tori stared at where the brothers were turning, Moose staring at them with his signature why is everyone so slow exasperation. She took a deep breath. "Thanks. I mean it. You had no reason to help me."

"I still don't."

"Well, maybe we can start over." Tori stuck out her hand. "Friends?"

Eliza stared at the hand for a long moment. A small, petty part of her longed to roll her eyes, turn away, take this offering and throw it back in the other girl's face. It's what Tori would have done, had their roles been reversed. But maybe the only way to help someone was to show them a better way.

It's what Katie would have told her to do.

Eliza slapped her palm into Tori's, squeezing perhaps a little harder than necessary.


Suddenly, Moose appeared next to them.

"What's going on, you guys are taking forever."

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