Chapter 1: Lost

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Katie McGrathxReader
Summary: on a hiking tour, you crash and find help from a certain actress

It was your first year after Highschool, so you decided to take your money and travel  the world before you'd take a real job. You've had tried acting  some years  before but didn't come  far. Now you were strolling down the terminal hallway, searching for the gate your flight would depart from in about one hour.

"Thank you for choosing AirDublin, we wish you a great flight.", the board speakers cracked a last time before the airplane would start and the rest of the flight, you will have been sleeping.

Arrived at Dublin's Airport DUB ,you took a bus to drive you to the Hotel you booked, taking a nap on the way. Before you went to bed, you searched the web for a hiking route through the nature, which you'd take the next day.

After breakfast, you drove your rented car to the place where your planed route started, parked at the right side of the road and started hiking. You made a lot of good photos with your camera that day and when you came back to your car, it was dark and had started to rain.

You drove carefully, as always, but suddenly, a strong blew at your car's side and, unable to control the stirring wheel much longer, your car slipped, and you drove into tree. After you realised what had happened, you checked yourself for wounds and noticed that your right leg was badly injured and most probably broken.
You tried to stand up and get out of the car, but as your leg touched the floor, a stinging pain ran up your leg.

Jumping around, to save your right leg from carrying any weight, you searched for a branch for support. The road that lay in front of you was empty and you remembered not to have seen any towns or villages for hours as you had driven here this evening, but you remembered your hotel barkeeper speaking of some cottages, hid in the woods and often used while hunting, which have already helped lost hikers and road-trippers survive the nights , so you decided to challenge your already bad luck to the limit and carefully, yet very slowly, you made it into the woods, passing thorny bushes and fallen branches, wounding you even more.

Tired and hurting, you finally saw the outlines of a small house in the middle of the woods, but as you came nearer, you saw light in it. You came near a window and as you took a look inside, you saw a burning fireplace and immediately felt even more cold than you already were.
You were about to turn around and search for  another, free cottage, but  suddenly you were distracted by the sound of a door closing and a shadow slowly approaching you.
As the human came into the shine of light coming out of the window next to you, you saw that it was a woman standing in front of you, looking at you with the most beautiful, emerald green eyes you had ever seen and her    Skin was pale enough fro you to start worrying about the woman's health. Her long hair was blonde and she was about to say something as you remembered to breathe.
"Hello. Eh...What are you doing outside at night ? Isn't it a little bit to cold for you ?",she asked.
"I.I'm sorry to interrupt you Miss. Yes it is, but I was just searching for a shelter for the night. I'll search for one that isn't used at the moment. Have a Good night.", you stuttered and made the instance to leave back into the woods but you were held back by the fast reaction of the woman, grabbing your arm as you started to walk.
"It's okay. I've got more than enough space and I was honestly starting to get a little bit lonely out here. It would be a pleasure to help you.",the woman smiled

"If you insist. Thank you, really.", You answered and the woman turned to lead you into the house. Following her, you had trouble keeping up the pace as your leg continued to hurt more and more with every step and as your mouth escaped a pain-led groan, the woman turned and took a look at your legs, her eyes grew wide as she saw the wound on your left leg. She quickly exclaimed:"Oh, you're hurt. Let me treat that for you."
"You're already doing more than enough. I'll be fine, thank you.", you tried to make her part with the idea of helping you more because you were already embarrassed enough that you had to seek shelter on someone's property, but the selfless women did insist:"The wound could get infected if we don't clean it.", making her way up to where the bathroom probably was, she mentioned you to follow as she stopped your try to speak up again:"Later, cleaning it will hurt a lot more than cleaning it now, so shut up, sit down, and let me treat that leg of yours."
With a smile on her beautiful face, she opened a cupboard to take out a first aid kit and as you were still standing, she pushed you down onto the edge of the bathtub, took off her jacket and carefully took your wounded leg in her hands, pulling off your boots and rolling up your pants with quick finger. She then took a bottle of wound-cleaner and dabbed a cotton ball on your wound, wich was now burning and you suddenly understood how torches would feel if they were lit up. Looking around was the only thing you could do to distract you from the pain you were feeling at the moment, so you did your best not to scream out loud.

You tried not to, but you just couldn't help it and your gaze flew over to your beautiful host, who was meanwhile bandaging your leg. As she was finished and you tried to stand up, you suddenly got dizzy and started to sway, but she was fast again and held you just in time. Her bare arm slightly brushed your neck as she reached out for you and you felt the hair on your neck stand up. Looking away, so as that she didn't see you blushing, you heard her chuckle a little bit.

„Had she been feeling the same?", you asked yourself now.
As you finally stood stabile and she let go of you, you thanked her and asked for her name. She gave you her breathtaking little smile and said her name was Katie.
Realisation hit you like a stone, that was where you knew her from: it was the actress of Lucy Westenra from Dracula, Katie McGrath, who had been your celebrity crush for years now. You were about to shout your joy out loud but you realised. that she most probably wouldn't want you to fangirl all around her so you hid your excitement as best as you could.

You both went down to her living room, where you sat down before her fireplace. The big old couch you were offered a seat on was very cozy and the fire radiated a comfortable warmth, which made you feel like being hugged by a warm blanket. She went in another room and came back with a bottle of red wine and two glasses and sat down next to you . You two started talking and laughed a lot as you both got to know each other better. At the end of the day, Katie fell asleep in you lap and, curled up on your legs, wearing an oversized wool pullover, she was comparable to sleeping beauty. You didn't want her to wake up so you just stayed in that pose all night until you fell asleep as well.

The next morning, you were woken by the smell of fresh pancakes, and as you opened your eyes, you noticed Katie was already awake and preparing breakfast. Even though your body aced all over because of your uncomfortable sleeping position, your leg felt less awful than it had yesterday and your head felt less dizzy too.

"Morning sleepyhead !", Katie greeted cheerfully as she came into the living room, carrying the pancakes she just made.
"You really didn't have to...", you stumbled, overwhelmed by her hospitality.
"If you'd like to starve...", she joked.
You ate breakfast together and as you two were finished, she took you to a brisk walk through the woods. You were strolling through an alley of very old trees as all of a sudden, a bird began to sign. Katie went around to look for the animal who was producing such beautiful music, as she stumbled upon a root who grew into the path ahead. This time, you wanted to catch her, but you weren't fast enough so you both fell and landed on top of each other.

She rolled off of you, onto her side and, laying on the earth, you both started to laugh. "What was that?",she asked, still chuckling.
"I tried to catch you ?!", you answered to Katie,who  now was even more giggling. "What is it ?", you asked confused.
"I though those strong arms of yours could catch me.", she just couldn't stop giggling. You had been working out daily and doing Cardio, but wouldn't say that you were muscular. You turned your head over to her, she was looking at you with her fascinating emerald green eyes, piercing yours and had stopped giggling, yet was still smiling.
Her face slowly came nearer, you, once again drowning in her eyes, didn't notice it, until her lips were brushing against yours. The two of you sunk in a deep, yet playful kiss and as you separated to regain air, you were stunned.
"OMG OMG OMG...KATIE MCGRATH JUST FUCKING KISSED ME!!!!", your brain was shouting and you didn't understand the world anymore; You had assumed she was straight until now.

"That was...unexpected.", you tried to speak up to prevent the situation from getting even weirder. You stood up and pulled Katie back on her feet, she now was chuckling again. As she saw your questioning look, she pointed out to the branch over your heads.
"We kissed under a mistletoe, That was unexpected!"
Laughing and flirting, you made your way back to her cottage, where you two spent another day of talking, flirting and just messing around with each other. It was the moment, you realised that Katie really was the sweet girl, she looked like and you hadn't just had a crush on her, you had been in love with her, since the first episode of Dracula you had ever seen. After three more days, that were spent where on romantic date all in and around Dublin, you decided to take her with you on your journey, and as you asked her if she wanted to come with you, she fell in your arms kissing you and the next day, you took off with her to your next destination; Russia.

Updated 20. September 2021

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