Chapter 2: Time travel

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Morgana PendragonXReader

Summary: While a short jogg through the woods, you mysteriously pass out and wake up to discover you time just traveled

It was a cold winter day as you decided to go for a jog. You were extremely cold so you started running through the woods. Tons of trees had passed as you started remembering one of your most painful memories;
after you noticed you were lost, you  shouted for help, but nobody responded. It got darker and colder and luckily, you found a cave to shelter, but a thunderstorm went on and so you were  squatting, soaked wet, in one corner of the cave, feeling the cold of the mossy stones spreading slowly throughout your clothes and creeped inside your body. After one night, a policemen found you and you were reunited with your parents, but henceforth accompanied by the fear of being left behind, alone and helpless.

Fearing to loose control, you tried to forget about your past, but sometimes you had to remember.
You lowered your pace while slowly loosing any kind of breath after you realized you were sprinting at your maximum speed. Completely out of breath, you sat down on a rock and tried to calm down, but suddenly, the world around you started to spin and instead of getting better with time, as it usually did, it went worse and suddenly, you blacked out.

Woken by the sound of a whining horse, you had straightened your posture after standing up from the rock you had blacked out on, hearing whoever was riding through these woods was coming near. You were even more confused, as you saw the clothes, these strange people were wearing; four black horses stopped right in front of you with the first two riders being clad in black, patched leather trousers and only a dirty linen shirt beneath a black, old leather armour, which was already widened by the fat bellies of the bald men, whose faces weren't any more clean than their clothes. They were wearing swords on their belts.
Behind those stinky men, a boy, maybe of the age of 17, sat on the horse to the left, clad in a chain mail and a black cloak, wich had obviously been worn in a forest, with all kinds of leaves and little branches sticking to it, but still less dirty than the fat men. The boy had short but messy black hair and was very muscular, could obviously ride a lot better than his companions and you'd trust him a lot more than these dudes in front of him, concerning sword fight.
Your gaze finally met the last person of the strange club; a beautiful, dark haired lady with pale skin and a black corset dress, emerald green eyes and the most stunning face you'd ever seen. Almost like a vampire queen, she sat sublimed on her horse, leading it with tight reins.
„Are they Cosplayers ?", you thought, asking yourself what else people, dressed that way, would have to do, deep in an wintery forest.

The silence began to get awkward so you decided to say something, as one of the men said "How do you greet your queen ? Show her respect.", this crazy, disgusting man started to get down from his horse to approach you with angry pounding, as the beautiful, Real-life-Vampire-Queen spoke up:" It seems to me you're not from here as you either don't know me, or don't want to accept my reign. Explain yourself.", she was harsh, but you could hear that she was interested in the reason of your behaviour, so you thought of something to say, that wouldn't sound completely stupid, no matter what the intention of those you met was.
" I beg your pardon. I didn't mean to insult you, in fact, I'm not really from here so I am not familiar with your customs, so please excuse me, if I behaved in an unfriendly way.", you carefully excused yourself, hoping the Vampire  would believe you, because you somehow had great respect of that woman.

Her hardened gaze softened a little, as she slowly nodded, mentioning the man, who obviously was some kind of servant to her, to sit back on his horse and leave you be. You were quite impressed by her authenticity, that she didn't even had to speak a single word to tell people, what she wanted of them. If she really was a queen, you'd bet that she was either a good, or a cruel, feared one.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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