Villian and Superhero

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Somewhere in a city in Japan.
A place where every
Superhero exist.

A brown haired girl stood on a building across from her red haired opponent .

"Why are you justice ?" The red haired villian asked with a slight smirk on her face.

"I give justice to evil doers like you !" The short haired girl said seriously , pointing towards her .

"Mooooo haha!I would burn you to a crisp !"The red haired Villian said laughing  evilly.

"Superhero: You need justice !evil doer !" The superhero said with pure confidence.

City people :

We are in deep shit ....
Nobody could save us now...

"Do not worry for I am here  !!!"The super hero stands proudly with a smile and her hands on her hips.

City people : (annoyed)

Thats why we are in deep shit because you are here.

"Hah,you !"The super hero said ,not knowing how to respond .

"You what?" She said sounding confused.

"I am all mights daughter !Defender of good !why does everyone hate  me?"She says sounding hopeless but she puts a brave smile on .

Person tied to a pole:

Because how many times did you try to safe us and it failed !

"But .... I still tried"The superhero said trying not to sound hopeless.

"Do you wanna hear a joke Almights whatever ?" The Villian smirked.

" No ! I am here to save them?"She sounded unsure about this now .

"Please just one joke...?"The Villian holds up her finger..

"You're probably just gonna say 'you' or some shit."The superhero said as she rolled her eyes.

"No wonder you have a bad sense of humour.Thats not even funny." The Villian said sounding a bit disapointed.

"It wasn't supposed to be funny !"She yelled .

"Thats just sad...Let me brigthen your mood then !Knock , knock !"The red haired Villian yelled as she throw her arms in the sky and smiled wide.

" Come in." The super hero was getting tired of this so she rolled her eyes.

"You need to say who's there !"The Villian yelled  frusteraded.

" Why would I do that ?! And besides lets just get the fight over with !!"She yelled with her arms beside her.

"If you wanna be a party pooper ...
shoot me then" She said spreading her arms .

Super hero: (Shoots explosions)

"Too slow!!"The Villain ducks the attack before it hits her .

(The super hero again but with a bigger explosion)

"Still too slow!"The Villian throws a fire  Grenade to block the attack.

Superhero: (The super hero Dodges the fire Grenade and shoots a huge explosion )

Evil Villian: (She Doges the attack by jumping to another building .)

"Girl just please watch were you are throughing those stuff around someone could get hurt ?!"She said sounding sarcastically worried.

"Your one to talk !!"  She yelled and jumps to a building with explosions ,and does a AP shot.

Evil Villian : (she ducks the huge attack )

"Like i said still too slow !"She yelled and jumps to the next building...

Super hero: (the super hero jumps to the next building with the villain and hits her with a fist explosion)

( The villains falls to the ground)

Evil villian: Fire kickers !
(Her Feet lits up in flames and kicks the superhero's under her out . She fall to the ground .The evil Villian gets up and sit on the super hero and pushes her hands down beside her.)

"Well that was fun.. .But you need to work on your fighting technics ..."The Villian smiles at the hero and reach her hands out towards her to help her up.

"Okay thats enough training for today did good" The villian said with a smile.

"Yeah sure ! "She said with a smile and goes after her and playfully hits her .

" Oo do you wanna fight me bring it on !I will burn you to a crisp !"The villian yelled as she stood with her arms beside her in a fist.

"We'll see about that !"(Pats the villians head and laughs ) come on ,All Mights waiting for us !"The superhero said laughing.

"Hey I beat you just a few mins ago !
And you know I am taller than you so you can't pat me !"She yelled and grabs her arm and swing her arm backwords so she loses balance and falls onto the ground .

"Never pat me again . Okay it to Mizuki when we are back at school ."The red haired villian said.

"ok ,ok ,i will but she'll probably karate chop me."The superhero said laughing her ass off.

(Evil Villian Laughs her ass off and helps her up .)

"Oo well with shorty anything is possible ." The Villian said as she laughed .

"Yeah (jumps off building ) you coming? " She yelled from the ground.

"You are crazy to jump off a building."She said laughs before jumping off the building.
"That why we are such great friends."The red haired Natsumi said.

"Yeah ,gimme some skin!"Brown haired Katsumi said holding out her arm with a smile.

(Natsumi slides her  arm with her best friend Katsumi.)
"Yeah girl !"Natsumi yelled with a bright smile.

(Katsumi starts walking to bag on the ground )
"We should train again tomorrow." Katsumi said and opens water bottle and drinks from it .

" Hell yeah !"Natsumi said and graps a towel and dries the sweat off .

"I see you are struggleing a bit with the hand-to-hand technics . I could give you some tips if you wanna ?"Natsumi offered.

"That be great !" Katsumi said grabs other towel. "But  now Bakugou can't make fun of me when we train." Katsumi said as he dried of sweat.

"He can't talk since I kicked his ass last time in training . "Natsumi said as she looks at her watch.

"Hey school starts over a hour wanna take a shower real quick ?"Natsumi asked .

" Of course ,i feel like i was  doing a lemon for four hours straight ,(she laughs ) even though i never did one in my life."Her face goes red with emberisment.

"Oh my word girl !We aren't gonna talk about that but who knows perhaps we will get a chance someday with the guys we like . "She said with a smirk and grabs her bag and heads over to a shower .

" Maybe !i hope so." She said and grabs her bag and heads into the direction of a shower.  " The things I would do to Bakugou." She said with a red face.

" Girl I don't wanna hear it !"She yelled laugh as she looked at her friend smiling.

"Don't worry i won't tell . " She said laughing.

(she laughs and takes off her clothes before heading in to the shower)

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