Chapter 3

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Time skip cause , bakugou is still blushing and freaking out

(Katsumi took her bag and waited for  me outside ,it was really early most of the class was still asleep since we're going to train)

" hey ! "I yelled softly towards katsumi.

"Let's get going ! She said while pointing behid her.

"already ahead of ya ." I yelled.

(I start running and Katsumi quickly catch up to her )

"Which city ? Same as yesterday ?"Katsumi asked me.

(She wasn't out of breath guess she is getting used to it by now )

"duh !" I yelled and chuckle.

(We stop at  the gates and put our bags down and start running again ,we stop when we're quite far away )

"So hows my dare going ?" Katsumi ask me as she begins to strech.

"Still have to make a story. " I said as I joined her

(When we done stretching we stand up completely and then we get into our fighting  positions)

"so you think we're gonna do the same thing as before? "

"you mean the whole thing  when I'm a cool superhero hero and your a villain?"

"Well we could do that but you said yesterday I need to help you with some of you fighting tegnics so....lets do that okay . "I said .

"okay sounds good ." She replied.

"Okay so the one I did yesterday with the idiot was the trippel flip . So basiclly you place your arms beside you bend down and lounge yourself in the sky and almost flipp 3 times in the sky and kick your opponent."I explained.

"Now try it ."

(Katsumi get into the position and do the instructions she told me to do )

"Like that? "She asked making sure

" yeah like that but when you do the three backflips should just have to do this with  your arms." I said showing her how.

"Thanks, now whenever I fight with bakugou ,i can show him a move ." She said excited.

(She did the move the perfectly)

"Okay good ...that wasn't bad . So yeah and it's something nobody would exspect . " I said proudly of her.

"Okay so what move do you wanna learn next ? I" asked .

" I was thinking maybe less with my legs and more with my fists ? Or maybe both since I have a lot of quirks? "

"yeah is there any quirk specifically?"

"Well I wanna do more with my element quirk ."

"how many do you have ? "

"Well there is fire ,water, Earth, air, metal , sand and plants and a few more ."She said counting on her fingers .

"well thats alot so ,lets work with fire . Since my quirks fire ."I suggested.

(We laugh at the same time)

"Well okay...with the fire quirks...lets try one of my moves I ussually use but this one you need to be able to have allot of physicall streght so if you feel you can't handel it just tell me okay ? "I said strict and taking it serouis.

(She looked at me with a smile as sound she was ready.)

""Okay so basically...all you do is you lit your fist in flames and create a large ball of flames let met show you ."

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