Gamer girl bathwater

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I rubbed my tired, red eyes and tried to focus on my clock. It was 1:00 in the morning. What the hell was I doing? I looked back at my computer. I knew exactly what I was here for. My timer was counting down, second after silent second. I could hardly contain my pure excitement. I was simply ecstatic for the gamer-girl bath water restock. Just to know that Belle Delphine herself had touched that water made fireworks go off inside of my stomach. I checked back on my timer.

50 seconds

I quivered with happiness. I was so close. I couldn't miss this golden chance to obtain such a sentimental treasure.

10 seconds

I directed my mouse exactly where I needed it ready to click and buy my bathwater. Sweat trickled down my back and my hand shook uncontrollably.

5 seconds

Oh dear god. So, so close.

4 seconds

Oh my god.


I immediately clicked as soon as it restocked. Crossing my fingers, I begged to god that I was in time. I opened my eyes. I HAD DONE IT. I had obtained gamer girl bathwater. I began to sob hard with pure joy and called my closest friend, Gary.

"Holy shit y/n, it's so fricking late. What do you want?"
"I did it.."
"Did what you twat?"
Gary yelled out in pride, truly mesmerised by my amazing skill-fullness. We chatted for a few more minutes before I hung up and collapsed onto my bed. I was still in awe. Complete joy overtook my whole being. Hardly able to sleep, I grabbed my phone and posted on all my social media outlets about my groundbreaking victory as a man/woman/attack helicopter. Eventually, my eyes grew heavy and I drifted into a deep slumber...

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