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Previously on 'UwU- a Belle Delphine fanfiction'-

I stared out at the setting sun from my windowsill. I had to devise a plan, and it needed to be good. I decided (after looking at my clock and being shocked at just how late it was) to put together my plan tomorrow. With a fresh mind..

The bright morning sun flooded through my metal blinds, lighting up my whole room. I looked out of my window, watching the sunrise with a peaceful feeling. The sky had never looked so good. A bright array of colours bled through the sky like paint. Eventually, I sat back down on my bed. My clock ticked slowly next to me, each second lasting seemingly longer than the last. And then it hit me. I remembered exactly what I had planned on doing today. Without another thought, I sprung up from my bed, clawing desperately around my room for my purse. Strangely, it wasn't in its normal place. Instead, it was perched near my computer. Despite the oddness of this, I didn't let it bother me and carried on collecting all of my important items. My purse, my keys, my phone. Everything I knew I would need I'm the case of an emergency. After a quick spot check, I made my way down my stairs. They groaned after each step (which was nothing bizarre). I contemplated whether or not breakfast was essential. Wouldn't they have food on the train? After glancing at my watch, I realised I didn't have time to worry.

The train station was dimly lit and busy. Goodness knows how many people shoved at each other in a desperate attempt to get to where they needed to be. Manners where a thing of the past here. You fought for yourself and forgot the needs of anyone else. After a large fight just to stay upright on my own two legs, I threw myself through the train doors and sat down on the first seat available. No one else was near me thankfully. I couldn't be bothered to interact with anyone right now. It was too early in the morning and my brain was fried. However, just as I thought I had gotten away with it, a girl of about my own age threw herself onto the seat next to me.
In all fairness, she looked just as pissed off at life as I was. It was clear she didn't wanna be here. She was quite small, wearing a pair of ordinary jeans and a yellow hoodie. The hoodie really showed off her bright hair. Ginger. It suited her to be honest. Not many people can pull of that hair colour. I wanted to say something but didn't want to seem weird or overly happy. I needn't have worried though. She broke the silence.
My head shot up, confused and a little bit shocked. What the hell did she want? I caught her eye, green orbs.
"Oh, uh. Hi?".
We didn't speak for a while after that. Except halfway through the long journey, we found a mutual interest in a musical artist. That set off a great conversation. She seemed cool so I asked her for a number. I needed friends at the moment, or at least someone who could give a decent alibi. The train came to a halt and everyone immediately ran to be the the first person off the train. I rolled my eyes, so done with the human race. She giggled next to me and I realised I hadn't even asked her name.
"Sam," she said with a smile.
"Y/n," I replied.
She nodded in my direction and we both parted ways. The sun shon in my face, blinding me momentarily. It didn't matter, wasn't like I would see it again for a while..

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